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Everything posted by James

  1. his contract stipulates that unless either party serve notice by XXX then his contract will be extended by 12 months
  2. Ashley had them all on some sort of joint termination contract tied in to the point at recruitment that the candidate could bring a maximum of two coaches with them. as such they go with the manager
  3. Just a thought as it hadn’t been mentioned but perhaps Al-Rumayyan wants to do the honourable thing and speak to Bruce personally before sacking him. They may not know each other personally but may have mutual friends on the golf course. this of course may coincide with his first attendance at SJP for the Spurs game
  4. If he’s still here as a result of him trying to hold out for £8m, just tell him he needs to turn up to take training 4 days a week, and just watch that figure fall
  5. Bruce is still able to get wins with ASM, Wilson and good team spirits. Whilst I’d rather we replaced Bruce ASAP a fair wind is hopefully behind us now and may see us through to Winter
  6. James

    Transfer rumours

    I might just start adding TRUE to start of all my posts to give them authenticity
  7. Possibly a further part of the problem is at this initial stage without the governance of the club being properly set up is that they need to cover, double cover, and triple cover their backs with any decision making such that it can’t be tied to Saudi state. All it will take is a couple of random mutterings from Bruce about a Saudi Prince and the PL will be straight onto us
  8. Just go with the ‘demand a club that tries’ if we can’t make it happen, no problem, but he’s the best candidate for the next three months and the next three years. if we had a £100m budget and d rather spend £30m on Rafa and £70m on players than £100m on players
  9. however if the Everton board go to him and say that they’d rather have £10m than him as manager then it is fair game
  10. That’s actually fine reason to say why he would say no. however to be an ambitious club we need to be creating situations where we are asking the questions rather than being to reluctant or defeatist to try
  11. conveniently ignoring Leicester who are there for the long haul as well
  12. With us 19th, he’s the only manager I can see turning things around before January and then building the club up afterwards. in my strong view we should just offer Everton £10m for him and see what happens
  13. James

    Lee Charnley

    Would be very worried if Charnley was working at an airport
  14. James

    Transfer rumours

    A couple of City squad players might be a good move assuming they are happy to deal with us. one initial problem will be clubs refusing to sell to us at market prices which will be especially apparent in the Premier League
  15. James

    Amanda Staveley

    My grandmother died from a degenerative condition and my Grandad took over her business in the end and kept it going for 20 more years, only retiring in his 80s. I know how important it is in that circumstance that you can have someone you trust absolutely to keep things going.
  16. James

    Amanda Staveley

    Noting the unfortunate health time bomb he is there to protect and continue her legacy should the worst happen, which is bittersweet really
  17. Physical infrastructure does not contribute to FFP calculations
  18. On Facebook comments to NUFC postings lots of random African and Asian fans declaring their new allegiance to Newcastle. Many openly admitting to have transferred from Arsenal yesterday
  19. James

    Amanda Staveley

    this is very concerning. Steve Bruce might be her Dad
  20. in the short term so little has been spent on players and wages that we can spend a lot of money and comply with FFP. not sustainable in long run however
  21. I hear there’s a delay as Charnley has locked himself in the toilet
  22. weirdly I never hated Man City personally. at the time it just felt like it was your turn to have a bit of luck and success - and living in Manchester (and within the Maine Road footprint too) it has been a joy seeing what Man City have contributed to the city, unlike Man Utd that only do stuff for themselves
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