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Everything posted by safc

  1. safc

    Tonights Matches

    Liverpool 1 up. Gerrard scored.
  2. safc

    Tonights Matches

    Taking the piss surely. I know they're bottom an'all but come on I'd expect them to have taken more than that, even though they're only playing Blackburn. 37. Unbelievably low number for a Premiership team. Even Wimbledon brought more to the SoL just before they changed name and moved to Milton Keynes. They brought 49. The lowest number I've witnessed before. I can't imagine how weird it must be having that little following away from home.
  3. safc

    Tonights Matches

    3-1 Blackburn, McCarthy.
  4. safc

    Tonights Matches

    Watford making a fight of it, it seems. 2-1 Douglas Rinaldi scored, whoever he may be. Taking the piss surely. I know they're bottom an'all but come on I'd expect them to have taken more than that, even though they're only playing Blackburn.
  5. safc

    Tonights Matches

    2-0 Blackburn, Roberts. Looks like it's going to be a long night for Watford.
  6. Good. How many hours diffrence between UK and them? Not much I hope. London to Warsaw - 2hrs 25mins. Link: http://www.worldtravelguide.net/country/226/international_travel/Europe/Poland.html London to Kiev - 3hrs 30mins. Link: http://www.worldtravelguide.net/country/289/international_travel/Europe/Ukraine.html So not too far, although I believe there are 10 hosting cities so there would be lots more traveling once there.
  7. That's probably the right answer (although last season I desperately wanted rid of McCarthy by the time he was sacked, but hey we had 10 points and anyone would have been better, your all but safe). While Roeder has all the charisma of a dead sewer rat and I can't imagine him actually motivating someone to save their own life, there is no point in sacking a manger for sacking's sake. There has to be someone else better out there to replace your manager with, otherwise you just end up repeating the whole sorry scenario 18 months later. Leaving the club out of pocket even more by paying off another manager. That said I could see Roeder taking Newcastle down next season should no improvements to the defense be made, from what I've seen the rest of squad individually is pretty sound, but they don't seem to work well together for some reason), so that should be the main area of concern. However, I don't think Newcastle would really struggle to get a better manager than Roeder, as you are quite a big club and I think you could easily tempt a decent enough manager from the Spanish or Italian leagues, albeit with a decent wedge of compo, to replace Roeder, with the promise of a decent transfer budget. One thing that should really be done , before sacking any manager in my opinion, is singling out who you want to replace and find out if that person would be interested, as sacking someone and then not having any idea who to replace him with generally leaves a club in limbo.
  8. safc

    Has anyone on here...

    how old were you at the time? not tekkin the piss like but football isn't worth tears from a grown up I was only 9 then like. Not too bad is it?
  9. safc

    Has anyone on here...

    Aye. At the 4-4 (7-6 pens) defeat to Charlton play-off final. Hell of a game, which was typically lost. T'was on my birthday as well. :-[ :'(
  10. I reckon 4, and I reckon that'll be a win at St. James' and a draw at SoL as I don't think we'll beat at home for a while yet for some reason.
  11. Aye, at Wembley. 2-2 draw, culminating in a brilliant diving header by Johnny Bosman, ye gan back nearly 20 year there. Thanks for telling me who scored it. I had no idea who it was. I've only seen it a few times on video and always thought it was a class goal.
  12. Cos he's a good poster? Aww gee thanks . I'm not offended either like. I like this forum if I'm honest, more so than the SMB at the moment. There are some good posters on here that make this a very good forum, plus there are some very funny threads.
  13. Talking about great passing moves for goals I'm sure I've seen one where Holland scored against England after around 22 passes which I thought was a great goal. Anyone know what I'm on about or am I going crazy?
  14. The Charlton 4-4 Sunderland obviously, just a great game, even taking the result into account. Up there with our 4-1 and 4-2 Demolitions of Chelsea a few years back. But Mexico vs. Argentina in the 2006 WC was a fantastic game. Argentina won 2-1 but it was a game full of quality, that I fully enjoyed.
  15. safc

    Spuds tonight

    Spurs have been shocking so far tonight. Could be 3 or 4 with only 20 minutes gone. However I wouldn't put it past them to do a 'Boro and score 4.
  16. Coppell said on SSN today that he was going to leave him out for some games before the end of the season 'to get used to him not being there'. Good thinking by Coppell. But I still reckon losing Sidwell will have a impact on Reading's game. If I'm honest I don't know who would come in and replace him, possibly Oster and moving Little inside, but then I've never taken much interest in Reading, so I suppose it's quite unfair of me to say that they can't replace him.
  17. safc

    Spuds tonight

    Terrible own goal by Malbranque. Pleat was completely right saying Malbranque couldn't have been concentrating fully. As that was a pretty simple task that he had to do, kick the ball. Great goal by Kanoute, shoddy defending though, bye bye Spurs.
  18. I can see Sidwell leaving having a major impact on Reading. He's their main midfielder and I can't see them signing anyone of his calibre to replace him, as they've only had one decent season in the top flight, I thinklosing him could have the same sort of effect as Chimbonda leaving Wigan has. Now of course one player doesn't make a team but they can have major influences over the team. I've been impressed with Sidwell every time I've seen him. I can't really see what he would add to the teams he's been linked to though. Spurs have a pretty solid midfield imo, while Newcastle have individually talented players who, from the impression I get, fail to work together. While we all know the quality in Man Utd and Chelsea's midfield's. I can see why Sidwell would want to move but I think staying at Reading would probably be more beneficial to him, even if just for a year, where he can prove himself more.
  19. How could anyone be really scared at a football match (young children excepted like)? I've never been scared at any match I've been to home or away, and have yet to really find a reason why anybody would really be scared. Even at derby games (home and away) I've yet to feel scared despite being on bricked buses by pissed up lads. Football is a family entertainment more than it ever has been in my opinion and that 47% of people are scared at matches is quite astonishing especially when you consider the security in the ground these days, to help protect familes and innocent supporters. You can't really be scared of trouble at matches either, as in my experience you find trouble at football matches, trouble doesn't find you.
  20. Possibly the best reason ever not to use myspace to advertise parties: http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=45021&in_page_id=34
  21. You think? Not even sunderland supporters are sure where sunderland is these days... I think I've gone on a day trip to Dublin most home matches these days. have you got an airport these days? Of course, it just happens to be a museum these days. But if we want to fly these days we just go to the top of Penshaw hill and flap our arms.
  22. You think? Not even sunderland supporters are sure where sunderland is these days... I think I've gone on a day trip to Dublin most home matches these days.
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