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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    Montero just blew it.... ha ha. Also I actually own that "Angel City Brigade" that all of fat lasses are wearing... :-[
  2. So now we know its actually SJP that makes Bramble a poor player.
  3. Donovan is going to Everton. DOnovan has said this on many ocassions. His only caveat being "...if Moyes would have me back" is what he has said here stateside. If for some bizarre reason Moyes didn't want him (like the Board says they don't want to pay his wages or the squad was too big, etc) then yes we could go in for him. I would not be surprised if Houghton has already enquired with the MLS as a contingency. I can't see many MLS players improving the squad as a loan option in January... that are realistic (Yes I know we could do with a real right winger).
  4. They are going to hammer us by playing most of their first team. A shame because there will be very few decent sides in the next round.
  5. I agree. My guess is QPR, Cardiff and Forest will go up.
  6. The only Sunderland player I'd even consider comparing Nolan to, was Don Hutchison during the 2000-1 season where he got into double figures and they finished 7th. I'd settle for that I think. Dirty Don was actually a very good player 1999-2001 - in fact I would be tempted to say that he was better than Nolan is now. PLayed well for Scotland as well.
  7. Seriously... I think he felt he could only wear a suit now that Colin is gone. He looked good and I voted suit.
  8. Welll I am not sure if that would work every week but credit to CH for putting Barton on the right. And credit to Barton for entirely changing his play - really impressed he could do that (Obviously helped tremendously by the fact that WHam seemed intent on ignoring him and giving him the right middle of the field as an early Xmas pressie). Unlike Guthrie and Routeledge he was able to repeatedly put in quality crosses right into the box. It was a very Solano-esque performance - didn't try to beat his man but gave himself space to be able to measure his crosses which were amazingly consistant, in fact the most competant RW play I can remember since Nobby left. It was also odd not seeing Barton getting into bother in the middle getting carded. Loved him robbing Noble and taking a shot as well. Tiote MotM but Barton not far behind for me.
  9. Just noticed CH is wearing a suit (!) and Dyer didn't even make the bench.
  10. If Perch plays he'll be in for a repeat of last week as Dyer will also be in the "something to prove" mode of play. Fortunately for him I think Zog is a better player these days.
  11. Pikeys tbh. You're not far off. He's wierd... his groupies are also very odd. A freak show to be sure.
  12. He goes everywhere. He was even here (in SOuthern California) in July watching Pompey play a partial team against the Ventura Fusion. He has a set of groupies as well.
  13. Attwell is a dick no question, but for me it is Atkinson because he represents what is wrong with the Refs in England: Spineless to the core. He is easily swayed by his own prejudices (as well as those of the Premeir League) and panders to the so called bigger teams. If Barton pulled a tackle like De Jong he'd still be suspended (and probably awaiting charges). Atkinson actually believes he did a good job at Citeh because the PL and his fellow professionals told him so. Fuck him and fuck the PL.
  14. The selling of dyer, was the start of our midfield looking slow and work man like. At least with dyer you knew you had someone who could run with the ball. It's okay being able to run with the ball but he can't do it whilst he's sat on the treatment table. I was going to say the same. No question Dyer looked good on some days and he could run for 90 minutes but, Woodgate aside, selling him was one of the best pieces of business this club has done.
  15. I just read on .COM That Dyer is fit and could be chosen to play.... this is a joke right? Since he left us he has only started 13 games (and never scored). Can anyone tell me if he has ever finished any of those or has he gone off injured in all 13? I would guess that he is a cert to score against us since he hasn't done so since 2007 for us aginst Watford.
  16. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    I have to agree with Cubaricho on this. LA has a larger Latino population and is culturally much more of a "soccer city" than New York. LA doesn't even have an American Football team... NYC has two.
  17. CaliMag

    Colin Calderwood

    ... oh and best of luck to Colin in Edinburgh.
  18. CaliMag

    Colin Calderwood

    I'd be very happy with Clarke. I am sure he learned something under Mourinho. He was the only backroom personality I liked under Gullit. Certainly replacing him with Wadsworth was a massive step backwards for us.
  19. I am unconvinced that Ranger is a better choice than Routeledge. As has been mentioned before: this switch seems to be overly optimistic.
  20. A must win game. Everyone knows this including the manager and the players. Our bad luck and porr officiating has to run out eventually. I am thinking a 2-0 win for us. I am usually very pessimistic about our chances of winning any game but this is different. We will beat them.
  21. Getting ready for humiliation in a few minutes. I am thinking Spain will put 6 or seven past Scotland tonight...
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