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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Serious question: Where is Xisco? Why isn't he in the photo?
  2. You should rewatch the game he is standing over De Jong because after Tiote schooled him De Jong grabbing his leg (by kicking out with his own legs) while still on the ground. Another offence that should have seen a card. Probably lessened (in the ref's simple mind) by the fact that Tiote walked right up to him and threatened to slap him in the face with his cock (or so it seemed on the telly anyway...).
  3. I love that Blyth Spartans tribute kit. It would be great if we had something like that in the future.
  4. Most Liverpool fans I know would trade Babel for Routeledge in a flash. The ones I know (glory hunting wankers that they are) don't rate him.
  5. Hughton was let down by the team today - it wasn't his tactics or subs which he got right with the players we have. Ben Arfa wasn't as good today as he was vs Everton ... neither was Tiote. When we were still drawing 1-1 he went for it rather than try to hold onto a draw. Statistically this was the right call. We played better than Stoke overall and in 2 out of three games we would have won this at 1-1 with the subs he made pushing forward. If you can win 2 of these types of games and lose one you're still doing the right thing. Toward the end he was even telling Colocini to run up playing a 3-4-3.
  6. http://www.nufc.co.uk/javaImages/91/68/0,,10278~9070737,00.jpg Looks like they are laughing at Tiote and he feels bad about it.
  7. Raylor almost smiled there... must've upped his prozac doseage.
  8. Not sure why there is so much negativity here. We are not playing THAT bad. And Jonas in particular has been playing pretty well. His pass across the middle five minutes ago to Ranger was very good. Ranger just couldn't give it back. And of course Ranger has just equalized. Shane is looking up for this - not intimidated at all.
  9. That is what I thought. Sol is not taking this game very seriously.
  10. CaliMag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Thanks for that link. An interesting article. Lovenkrands comes off very well.
  11. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    That is great. I love the little details like Timbers 4 Sounders 0 on the scoreboard... petty yet effective.
  12. The argument of MOTD pundits being lazy is a strong one. Stan Collymore delivering that argument weakens it though. Like Fat Sam and even our own Joey Barton - he's not as smart or as good as he thinks he is.
  13. A positive result for me here would be only losing by one goal. We haven't won here since the magic team of 01-02 (Bellamy, Solano, Acuna all scoring according to .COM) - that team was miles better than what we have now. Everton is also a lot better.
  14. Nobody knows if that's the case or not, it's impossible to know. Hard to see how he could have done better than Hughton last season. And his eight games in charge didn't bode that well, did they? And after the whole Keegan thing, I don't blame Ashley at all for not wanting to appoint another Toon icon with big spending demands. I'd love to see what conditions Shearer was asking for, though. Pity he didn't spill the details about that. I am going to assume it included spending a significant amount of money since SHearer also said in the interview that he did not think CH would be able to bring us straight back up.
  15. And also for reference: Yes. It would have been quoted and all over the news sites if he'd said Tiote was starting, man. Foooooook... whatever happened to trial by fire man.
  16. Got a link to that? I couldn't find anything earlier. The article says this at the bottom: Apology accepted. Very funny. So you think Lee Ryder was just speculating like many on then forum then?
  17. Here is a link to the full article: http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2010/09/15/cheik-tiote-set-to-make-mark-against-everton-72703-27272164/
  18. Got a link to that? I couldn't find anything earlier. The article says this at the bottom:
  19. Also I think a lot of people were putting him in the starting XI because... he told the Ronnie Gill he would be in the starting XI. That seems reasonable to me.
  20. Del should be looking after the likes Al not because he is our former captain & our all time leading goalscorer but he didnt dump his exec box when we went down like a load of firms did. Yeah the lack of communication is mystifying. It would appear that no one had the courage or the authority to call him back when for the various reasons mentioned it should be done. Shearer has said publically that he supports CH, kept his box, thinks we are going in teh right direction, etc. So why not have a sit down with him and apologise?
  21. To be clear, Shearer said he doesn’t know Mike Ashley and never even said Derek Llambias by name only said he met with “the appropriate people” (which we assume included Llambias) – he said he had only met Ashley once in passing and has no idea what he is about. I thought that in itself was inetresting.
  22. His story about his manager tenure was pretty damning.
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