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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Hey Parky - Thread title change is in order. Dalgleish (whom I never liked) has f*cked us again. He is easily a goal or three up right now.
  2. Steve Watson Robbie Elliot Clarkie Solano (the first time, Ambrose wasn't ready SBR got that one wrong).
  3. CaliMag

    U23s & Academy

    I hope Mitchell isn't over awed by this. Updates from those going tonight would be greatly appreciated.
  4. CaliMag

    Sebastian Larsson

    He's 25 for goodness sake, of course he still has a lot of value. The guy can provide 5 years of top service. You don't think if he gets twenty assists in each of the next two seasons he won't be worth much more at 27?! Are you even thinking about what you're saying at all? They were just questions man . In the age and wage criteria they also seem to be compromises on supposed club policy, but you make some good points maybe they aren't as severe compromises as I thought. I also wonder what Bowyer and Carr have said (if anything) about NUFC to him.
  5. CaliMag

    Sebastian Larsson

    What happened to our policy of only signing younger players with resale value? As mentioned on the previous page thsi is Larsson's last chance at a big move and he's unlikely to dramatically improve. He can wait out his contract and go on a free as well so his wages will be very high... another supposed club policy out the window.
  6. Rumour has it the makems have their OWN team (!) I know, shocking right.
  7. Eh? They thought they were going to utterly lash us last time!!! I believe that is an article Skirge wrote and posted on RTG - it is from "wor" point of view.
  8. CaliMag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    490 pages in this thread, are any of them actually about Hatem Ben Arfa? Just asking.
  9. I also voted upheld, but I think it was a legitimate tackle and hope I am wrong.
  10. Had his bell rung (hard) with that wack in the face and probably should have been subbed right then and there. Hindsight 20-20 and all.
  11. I really disliked Carr while he was here. He is the slowest right back in the Premier League. I hope that Jonas and Jose have an exceptionally good game where they run at him mercilessly. It will be good for their confidence and probably get us a few goals. Bowyer is another player that did f*ck all for us. Hoepfully we'll destroy this lot. 6-0 to us.
  12. That's exactly what I thought. Kuddly Ken Bates has to be next on your list BTW
  13. Pardew doesn't do well with foreign players according to Argentine Tevez. Llambias and the club have final say on transfers. Ashley & DL are dedicated to getting wages down and increasing profitability. Colo is supposedly one of our highest wage players and is turning 29 in January. Implication: Sold in the summer if not in January.
  14. Dave thanks for that link. Very interesting reading. I particularly loved the fact that no one knows who tiote is (or can spell him name correctly "Tiato" was my fav variant). And especially: Now we only have to do this again for the next ten games against this lot and I'll feel a bit of reconcilliation.
  15. Er... I think you should be the one to tell him Dave. I am f***ing Geordie, I know what the Heworth folk sound like and it's nothing like Waddle's spastic f***ing tones. I got it. So you think Waddle is a bit like Sting in that he's just made up his own accent for whatever reason.
  16. I am thinking this game will be absolute carnage ... as far as fan support BTW. 5:30PM KO... FIVE F*CKING THIRTY! Pardew has no idea what the noise and mayhem will be like during the liverpool game. If I was there I would probably be planning on storming the posh seats, physically attacking Pardew and a pitch invasion... not that I think any of those ideas are good ones, but I surprise myself of what I think is a good idea after 9 pints. Any of those actions are a serious possibility due to the late KO.
  17. Wants to start putting for sale signs up then instead of f***ing Sports Direct ones Makes us more attractive as a salable asset. SJP has already been defiled so another rebranding is less of a big deal. Those signs are easily replaced by SAMSUNG or EMIRATES or whatever as far as permitting goes.
  18. 80: I don't think Pardew is thick. I think he is arrogant (not always a bad thing, in fact mandatory for a good manager). His arrogance that he can make it work with the fans and the players when in fact it is well beyond his, or just about anyone's, ability. RE: Ashley - I think he just got stuck with us. He doesn't want to sell for less than what he thinks NUFC are worth (stubborn), but I don't think he wants to keep us either.
  19. I can see it given the ideas the Board seemingly have about running us as a child farm, the lack of self-respect Pardew may now have, and the deal they may have cooked up as a result. I can even see him never being sacked - only leaving on his own accord because he's successful enough to earn a proper job at an actual football league competitor. That's what my vote was for. Actually nothing like the Souness appointment really, though which is more gutting is debatable. At least with that one we knew we had a Board that would pull the trigger on a s*** manager who wouldn't have us competing. That's the beauty of this situation. The Board, in real terms, don't want the club to be TOO successful - that's the idea we've had introduced to the club. Hughton was too successful. He created a great team spirit, a bond between men who would fight for each other, didn't want to leave and wanted the club to do well. Meaning they wouldn't obediently f*** off when a 'decent' transfer offer came in, or ignore injustices against their fellow team members like the unenlightened teenage cannon fodder Ashley normally employs in his mass scale, pile-tatty-s***-high retail operations like SportsDirect. TOO MUCH success, TOO MUCH momentum is a danger to the security of this plan. What's desired now is players who want to use this place as a stepping stone, to put in a season or two's good performances on cheap wages before being moved on for identikits of their two year younger, 'ok for a middling team but will come good in a couple of years' selves, aided by a support cast of mercenary cloggers who don't mind a career of staying on somewhere they're hated. Battery Farm FC. This is worthy of a thread, ironically. Intersting post, but there a lot of assumptions that I would disagree with. 1. Ashley doesn't really want to own NUFC - he just wants it to be profitable enough for him to sell it and make money. He is not looking at the long term. He is only looking at getting operating costs down today (like selling high wage players and keeping the current players on low wages). 2. If we are relagated Pardew is gone. Ashley will pull the trigger on that one because he is a fickle bastard who doesn't owe Pardew anything and would just move onto the next thing (probably letting his 1st team coach taking over). 3. Pardew has't a f*cking clue what he is getting himself into. The fans will hate him from the start.... really hate him. The players we have are a collection of thin-skinned hot heads that are going to bite his head off given the chance and will feel no loyalty to him. Pardew will walk if he isn't pushed. In any case I can't see him sticking around. I am thinking he'll leave like Ruud Gullit saying: "I thought I knew how big a job managing Newcastle was. I was wrong."
  20. I can't believe some people actually voted for the Science Fiction/Fantasy option. I just watched the video of his press conference. He came across very well... so did Souness.
  21. This reminds me of the Souness appointment, in that everyone knows that this will not last. So put in your prediction here and then people can claim mystic meg like insight.
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