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Everything posted by Rich

  1. It should release at midnight on Thursday night/Friday morning.
  2. Aye, @toontownman. I always had us getting four players this summer for the reasons you've outlined. I just thought they'd be a left-back, two midfielders, and a winger. I've got our squads looking like this, currently, pending Livramento coming in. You'd imagine Manquillo is off, so that's pretty much just a straight swap in the CL squad, and as you say he doesn't impact the PL squad due to his age: Think Gillespie is guaranteed not to be registered for the CL if the other three keepers all stay fit, with the other place being between Krafth and Ritchie due to Dummett's status as "trained at club". If we do manage to sign a centre-back as well, Krafth and Ritchie might both miss out. Again, unless there are other long-term injuries to worry about. (Green = trained at club, yellow = trained in nation, red = non-home-grown for CL) I still can't get away from us looking a bit light on the wings quality-wise and I'm still not convinced about the left-back slot, but in Eddie we trust and all that.
  3. Wish they'd used N-O.
  4. He's got it sussed, like, the mad fucker.
  5. Rich

    Ryan Fraser

    Howe said there's nowt on him, Hendrick, or Hayden in the presser today. Hooray.
  6. Rich

    Tino Livramento

    There's no way he's 1.73m
  7. Solet is the one. Love a centre-half that's not afraid to drop a bit of torso deception and then charge out with the ball.
  8. Think Howe said he wanted “a few more”, didn’t he? People weren’t sure whether that included Barnes or not. I’d be surprised to see more than two arriving after Livramento. If it was me, I’d be going after a LB and RW, but I can see why we’d prioritise a young right-sided centre-back.
  9. Nice of that gimp ten Hag to do Eddie's team talk for him. We absolutely fucking battered them.
  10. Rich

    Tino Livramento

    "Newcastle’s bid, which is thought to have risen to £21 million, remains on the table but they will move on if there is no progress made this week." 2nd July^ I know he might have just been mouthpiecing for the club, but it's still funny.
  11. Rich

    Tino Livramento

    £35M excluding add-ons and £40M including add-ons, innit?
  12. Rich

    Tino Livramento

    This £75M budget is being stretched a bit mind.
  13. Rich

    Tino Livramento

    Proper, proper excited for this one.
  14. There has to be a modern-day José Enrique out there somewhere, like.
  15. Rich

    Tino Livramento

    Aye, he's been falling into the typical ITK trap of needing the hit again since those few bits he got but there's no denying he had good intel.
  16. I think I lasted one and a half episodes of that, aye, don't mind the daily Athletic one but that was so far up its arse it was untrue. Like an audio version of The Sunday Supplement.
  17. Let's not pick at that old scab again, eh?
  18. This is actually a canny post apart from the "couldn't be arsed" and "pissing their pants" bits, to be fair. Anyone who played the game as it was and now gets shafted because of the changes to home or away ticketing will rightfully feel pissed off. The whole thing just needed a lot more thought before the implementations came.
  19. Proper hidden gem on a matchday, that.
  20. You'll be fine anywhere in the city centre in your colours, definitely in Shearer's.
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