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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    The Adriano Dilemma

    Save the fee for a player in form. As has been suggested he probably wouldn't come here and if he did do we need a player who needs his confidence rebuilding? We need players who can slot in quickly and deliver. Talking about in form strickers I just watched Valencia vs Villareal, Forlan sored a great goal (not spectacular great but clever great). It was his 16th of the season and I recall he has said in the past he would like to have another try in the Prem. I'd be happy if we signed him.
  2. The bit in the article about Sam not expecting to do any transfer business quickly is a bit concerning, though its from the Sunday Sun, so not the most credible source.
  3. I'd have Reo-Coker in a swap deal for Parker as well. It would suit all parties, we get rid of a player who just isn't working out for us and we get a player who until this season was doing well for West Ham. Parker probably would be happy to go there being from London plus he's worked with Curbishley before. Only worry I would have with Reo-Coker is his attitude. West Ham fans reckon he's too big for his boots.
  4. Just flicked over to SSN and you're right. Anyway how crap are Wales? 2-2 at home against New Zealand.
  5. SAK

    Luke Young

    I think people are rating him on the days he was in the England team. He hasn't been near that form for a while. If we have the budget to bring him in as a backup and then ship out Carr then yes. If we don't have the budget then no.
  6. I think the best thing that could be done is to give a West Ham a 10 point deduction for the coming season. The Prem league have gotten themselves in mess as they cant reinstate Sheffield Utd and relegate West Ham as that will cause all sorts of legal problems. They also can't have an enlarged Premiership.
  7. Bentley's just had a good season with Blackburn plus when I saw him the recent U21 game against Italy he was easily englands best player. Though I would have partnered him with someone with a bit more steel than Jenas.
  8. I'll take him, add Samuel Eto'o who has only had good things to say about us, we can dream. Still remeber under Robson we were linked with Eto'o when he was at Mallorca but many on the board said he wasn't good enough based on a Uefa cup match we had against Mallorca. Can only dream what could have been.Then again he could have come here and never hit the heights he has. To answer the question about Baptista he had a dig about clubs from the North East using long ball tactics. So no.
  9. Was hoping for a clean slate on the coaching front but as already has been suggested if Allardyce brings in his own people he can keep these clowns sidelined until their contracts expire. Probably cheaper to keep them around the place wih minimal responsibility than sacking them and paying out compensation.
  10. 1.Sylvain Distin 2.Tal Ben Haim 3.Luisao 4.Gabriel Milito 5.Taye Taiwo 6.Christian Zaccardo 7.Julien Faubert 8.Ricardo Queresma 9.Stephen Appiah 10.Yaya Toure 11.Rio Antonio Mavuba 12.Sanli Tuncay 13.Mark Viduka 14. Diego Ribas da Cunha 15. Juan Roman Riquelme
  11. Thats a pretty big 'barr' though - isn't it? It finally looks like he's taken on board criticism for previous appointments etc, and looks to be appointing someone who might actually by the right man for a change and then he goes and publicly has a pop at our best player, then re-affirms it to some no-marks in a van. Fucks sake............................. Regarding the Youtube clip to be fair to Shepheard he does say Owens a good lad and that's it's his advisors that are trying to engineer a move. He does say that he would carry Owen to Liverpool but it's said tongue in cheek though not the smartest thing to say in public.
  12. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=39923.0
  13. So as not to start another thread can someone explain why the media keep saying we would have to pay Bolton compensation if we hired Allardyce? Considering he resigned (which had nothng to do with us)and Bolton accepted his resignation he should be free agent?
  14. SAK

    Sir Bobby speaks....

    Exactly what I thought - though it could be another Bobby-ism... Think he's saying it's not his place to speculate who the new manager will be as he is no longer involved with the club in any official capacity.
  15. SAK

    Managerial Odds

    Whats a "sex wee" incase we do sign one of them and hold you to this?
  16. SAK

    Sky Sports News

    Just watching SSN and they read out some messages. 50:50 for and against Allardyce. Some people mentioning Allardyce with Shearer as his assistant (don't think that would work personally. Most messages however laid the balame with Shepheard and wanted change at the very top. One message even suggested Shearer as chairman ala Nial Quin at the Mackems.
  17. SAK

    Sky Sports News

    Whats their email address? I can't find it on their website.
  18. Regardless it being a Spuds player saying this it just highlights the complete lack of loyalty in modern football. Don't these guys think before speaking?
  19. Sky Sports "understands" isn't enough for me. Won't let myself believe it until I read it on the official website (keeping fingers crossed).
  20. I might be wrong, but I thought that if news broke when the LSE was closed, they simply have to notify once it is open. I just thought that as a publicly listed company NUFC is required to notify BEFORE any decision is confirmed to the press. What's the London School of Economics got to do with this anyway? London Stock Exchange (LSE) Oh deary deary me! OOOOH!! . Brain failure from the potential good news of Roeder's sacking and watching Simpsons. Skiping from Tv to Pc and back.
  21. I might be wrong, but I thought that if news broke when the LSE was closed, they simply have to notify once it is open. I just thought that as a publicly listed company NUFC is required to notify BEFORE any decision is confirmed to the press. What's the London School of Economics got to do with this anyway? London Stock Exchange (LSE)
  22. SAK

    Sevilla vs Osasuna

    That bit was funny. Talking about commentators that "Dare they!! Dare they!!" thing his side kick kept saying when Osusuna were attacking in the final minutes was so annoying.
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