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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    Managerial Odds

    Whats a "sex wee" incase we do sign one of them and hold you to this?
  2. SAK

    Sky Sports News

    Just watching SSN and they read out some messages. 50:50 for and against Allardyce. Some people mentioning Allardyce with Shearer as his assistant (don't think that would work personally. Most messages however laid the balame with Shepheard and wanted change at the very top. One message even suggested Shearer as chairman ala Nial Quin at the Mackems.
  3. SAK

    Sky Sports News

    Whats their email address? I can't find it on their website.
  4. Regardless it being a Spuds player saying this it just highlights the complete lack of loyalty in modern football. Don't these guys think before speaking?
  5. Sky Sports "understands" isn't enough for me. Won't let myself believe it until I read it on the official website (keeping fingers crossed).
  6. I might be wrong, but I thought that if news broke when the LSE was closed, they simply have to notify once it is open. I just thought that as a publicly listed company NUFC is required to notify BEFORE any decision is confirmed to the press. What's the London School of Economics got to do with this anyway? London Stock Exchange (LSE) Oh deary deary me! OOOOH!! . Brain failure from the potential good news of Roeder's sacking and watching Simpsons. Skiping from Tv to Pc and back.
  7. I might be wrong, but I thought that if news broke when the LSE was closed, they simply have to notify once it is open. I just thought that as a publicly listed company NUFC is required to notify BEFORE any decision is confirmed to the press. What's the London School of Economics got to do with this anyway? London Stock Exchange (LSE)
  8. SAK

    Sevilla vs Osasuna

    That bit was funny. Talking about commentators that "Dare they!! Dare they!!" thing his side kick kept saying when Osusuna were attacking in the final minutes was so annoying.
  9. Do you think these comment's about "a new appointment in terms of scouting" and "more of a european flavour to our set up" is a reference to a Director of Football?
  10. SAK

    Claudio Ranieri

    Why would he trade up a team which is top of ligue 1 and doing well in the Champions League for one that is at the bottom of the premiership?
  11. Totally against Roeders appointment. A previous poor track record as a manager, no formal coaching qualifications , not a big name manager that could attract top quality players. Could see us regretting The Fat One's stupid decision.
  12. For a free transfer he would be a good signing. Would offer more attacking threat from midfield than Emre or Parker. http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=423927&CPID=23&clid=175&lid=10&title=Dhorasoo+linked+with+Spain
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