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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Mate at work supports the mighty Bees, so I'm hoping they go up
  2. Elric


    "The piss take soiree has begun!" *hip-hop horn noises*
  3. Elric


    I know some genuinely lovely people who support SAFC. With that being said I hope they fold, the SOS is levelled and the ground it once stood on is salted.
  4. Wait... people are seriously saying, post-(potential)takeover, that this guy should get a shot? Wow
  5. Hope he pockets a fuckload of cash, thinking he's won. Then dies of Covid-19. Fat fucking cunt.
  6. Expecting a Mane (V) hat-trick since Sterling © did fuck all
  7. Hope this cunt gets discovered in a skip somewhere. Properly dismantled, after persons unknown have gone to town on him. Perhaps partially eaten by tramps high on PCP.
  8. Elric


    gEoRdIe MaNaGeR aNd TrAnSfEr ReCoRd SmAsHeD - wHaT mOrE dO yOu WaNt?
  9. Liverpool at xmas and also last pre season got beat 4 nil off sporting braga in a pre season dead rubber. you still got your season ticket marra ? aye ahaha you fucking mug
  10. Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike. MIKE. Die. (not Real Mike, he's sound )
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