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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Finally, finally, did a job for me as captain. Gutted he came off Edit: 62 with 6 to play. 42 from Sterling Edit 2: Three of those six to play scored 3 between them Eagerly awaiting Pogba, Hazard and Jiminez to do fuck all between them
  2. Pickford will be hitting the glue bag hard later like, solvent abusing mackem aids cunt
  3. Don't know when I'll learn to not leave Ward-Prowse on the bench like, lost more than 20 points in the last 3 games because of that. Also, gtfi.
  4. Elric

    David Squires

    Dat Limmy reference
  5. Elric


    Ask them which airport they have to fly from. Pontayland marra, FTM, MLFsssss.
  6. Aye, fuck off Pogba. Fuck off Sterling. Fuck off Nuno.
  7. Every time I've captained Sterling he's fucked me over, the little shit. Expecting the same again today
  8. Definitely getting binned in my team like. Seemed like everyone but him scored in the last game, absolute bottle job. Edit: Took him out for Sterling... watch him get benched now
  9. 44, awful week, 60s and 70s aaal owa my league. Salah, Hazard, Pogba, Kane did nowt. Saved from plumbing further depths by those lads Schar and Lejeune
  10. Manquillo currently on more bonus points than Schar. Ok then
  11. There goes my Doherty clean sheet, Huddersfield, you cunts.
  12. Act FAST It's some form of Elvish...
  13. Took a 4 point hit, put Kane in for Auba, Jiminez for Rashford. I was gonna take out Hazard with Chelsea in probable disarray but he'd be the type to score a hat-trick after I did
  14. Elric

    Sean Longstaff

    He'll have been sold before you can clarify your feelings, don't worry man
  15. A clean sheet for Lejeune and Schar makes up for the no-show from Fabianski and Felipe Anderson. Got Rondon as sub to come in for Hazard, noice.
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