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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Horrible to say; if it is a crash there's no way they've survived in that type of plane
  2. Doherty benched. Nuno the nonce.
  3. I'd probably still drop Arnautovic like, always done well for me when I've had him in the team but I doubt he'll want to push himself too much. Can't be injured chasing dat Chinese dollah.
  4. So has he actually admitted to spying on all of Leeds' opponents this season? The fuck?
  5. It'd be fucking hilarious if Leeds were 'promoted' as champions but then got docked points
  6. I’ve found out that I actually no longer care. I feel at peace. Same. Probably won't give a fuck again until Ashley leaves / dies and then maybe not even then. I only keep coming back on the board out of a sense of habit and for the (mostly) sound lads / 'bantz'. Fuck... is this the digital equivalent of still going to the match under Ashley?
  7. Rather have Eric Roberts starting over Ritchie. Rather have Audrey Roberts starting over Matt Ritchie.
  8. Decent trial run for when we play them at their place next season
  9. Jeez, thanks for the heads up Well that's knacked the cheap defender triumvirate of Holebas - Trent AA - Doherty ... time for another foray into the transfer market.
  10. Yeah, fuck citeh in general, tbh. Fuck 'consolation goal' Ederson, fuck 'injured myself posting selfies on Insta' Mendy and especially fuck 'i'll just bench half my team now lel' Pep Pardiola. Cunts the lot of them
  11. Elric


    Sign him and play him against them next week. Fewwwwwwwwmmmm
  12. 36 with Salah © and Trent AA to play. Wildcard went well
  13. 62 with Auba and Alonso to play, mine was only through Free Hit though, I can go back to being shit next gameweek
  14. No idea why I even contemplated an Ederson clean sheet
  15. This Tired of no-marks shooting up the work league purely based on him, like
  16. We're gonna win the cup! Blackburn to win by a VAR-awarded goal
  17. Elric


    Fancy going for the documentary cameraman/woman, man. Jesus "Fuck off with that! Bewwwwww!".
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