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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Elric


    madness, these fuckers are insane That reminds me of that post someone made ages ago about posts on RTG where they accuse everyone of being mags and then eventually themselves before realising they'd been shafted again. It was before Pardew and McClaren ruined everything so it doesn't apply now, but it was class. I was thinking of this as well, yesterday. If it's the one I think it is it was either Bluestar's post, or he had it at his sig for ages. If it culminates in "ah fuck, we've lost again", it was definitely that one
  2. Elric


    Imagine if Burton went down with them, then relegated them from that division as well? Think I'd actually die laughing
  3. Oh fuck off. Same. This follows Lacazette running riot after I went for Auba instead Only saving grace is, when I look around my work league, most cunts have forgotten there's barely any games this GW. Players without games all owa
  4. Elric


    This 92-ers really is some Chinese zodiac shit to them. "So I see you were born in 1984... in that case, you must support... Plymouth Argyle". Weird cunts Still love to know what happened to the 20-odd thousand strong paedo-supporting STIDs who've disappeared over the course of this season. The North Sea is a cruel mistress.
  5. Elric


    These are fucked, it's incredible. Gone from being unflushable to the equivalent of getting DynoRod in
  6. Elric


    Is that 'Keano' guy the Wealdstone Raider's brother or something? Notice that daft cunt's voice isn't at his normal whisper levels either, filming in his Mam's loft / basement confirmed
  7. Elric


    Kid had the score right, dumb motherfuckers Edit: fuck you Si
  8. Elric


    Could they feasibly get attendances of less than 10k in the third division? Once adjustments are made for MLFs being lost to the North Sea over the summer, STIDs staying away until Short / Cewkie are gone, etc etc? Sunderland though :lol:
  9. Elric


    Haiku formats must have changed since I was at school 5, 7, 5, innit
  10. Elric


    But... but... 6 in a row
  11. Elric


    "Enjoy Burton..." relegating your tinpot shitty little club? Is that how the sentence ended?
  12. I'm literally the only one in my work league with him (Milivojevic) in the team, fucking mental considering his price / form over the last 5 weeks or so
  13. Elric


    In the Champions League thread? good thinking tbh. Relegation... from.... the Champions League?
  14. Elric


    10. Shit, wrong thread
  15. Elric


    Dangernonce, Riever et al frantically drawing up lists of who to send 'in peyce'
  16. Elric


    I want Mitro to finish them. "We relegated you"
  17. Elric


    Curb your Relegation.
  18. Elric


    That whole "gravy-stained" craic is bizarre, like
  19. It's the new "Sent via Tapatalk". ?=MLF9-1ftm
  20. Victim mentality in that thread? Surely not
  21. Elric


    Could they have feasibly been swept up (and out to the North Sea) by one of those crisp-packet tornadoes, marra?
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