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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Fucking hell, I know some of them were a bit colourless but did they have to die?
  2. Two dudes giving the transfer window a C- in that chronicle article man, have a fucking word
  3. Elric


    4, 7, 387... honestly not bothered anymore, man. Until Ashley is gone, it's all a massive meh from me.
  4. And he'll have to stay inside at playtime and lunch to clean it off.
  5. Complications from AIDS, hopefully
  6. He'll have numerous clubs in touch, no doubt - walk, and we'll pay Ashley whatever bullshit fee he has inserted in Rafa's contract, if that part is true. Guess who wins again.
  7. Hoyed £20, surely his position is untenable now, like.
  8. I hope he walks, like. Doesn't deserve this shit at all. If he walks at least I can fuck the club off until.... well, until Ashley dies, hopefully.
  9. Elric

    Matt Targett

    Jesus fucking wept.
  10. Elric

    Matt Targett

    Aye, he's always looked like a good player when I've seen him too.
  11. Whatever happens, there's literally one way of guaranteeing Krul doesn't hit a (albeit unlikely) freakish run of form which helps Brighton gather points, and that's by not fucking loaning him to them in the first place We'll see if the couple of million saved in wages come the end of the season was worth it, I guess.
  12. Who is they? Did "they" even make a bid in the first place? It's all bullshit man. Judging by the thread title, "they" would be Fulham. Despite Ashley's nefarious ways, there's no reason to assume a bid hasn't been made. I'd expect Fulham would have rebuffed the report otherwise. I just wouldn't be surprised if Gayle was sold in a massive "fuck you" to Rafa.
  13. 100% dependent If they hoy enough coin down he's gone. Good thing we already signed his replacement in Joselu.
  14. Strengthening a relegation rival man, ffs. Didn't Brighton break their club transfer record on signing some 'keeper playing in Spain, though? Injured?
  15. Elric

    Matt Targett

    I was wondering what the fuck you were on about with that murder jibe like
  16. Aye, he's a good player, I'm sure he could have done better than Birmingham like. My Brentford-supporting mate will be gutted. Especially since he hates 'Arry
  17. Elric

    Matt Targett

    Who would have thunk clubs would smell our desperation and try bending us over?
  18. Elric

    David Squires

    Wenger would be good in a 'The Road' reboot, like. Definitely got that haunted look down, like he's seen some serious shit
  19. A minute's silence to be held by the Nuffield, bet they raked it in through this fucker. Can't believe someone paid us for him Had an irrational hatred of him so I'm ecstatic he's gone.
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