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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Wouldn't be surprised if he deliberately sabotages things just to spite us all, fat fucking wretch.
  2. Rafa having a hand in ousting the fat cunt, however unlikely, would be one of the most amazing (and hilarious) things ever
  3. Rejoice, everyone who triple captained Sissoko. Anyone?
  4. Elric


    Pretty sure the blonde kid on the right has his own youtube channel EDIT aye he does https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fz6BUOU64M A suggestion from that video led me to this creep lurking in a park somewhere
  5. Elric

    Football pet hates

    Good one. Who was it who swore in one of those interviews a couple of years ago? Possibly an Arsenal player. The interviewer wasn't impressed and i remember thinking he shouldn't have kept him there answering shite questions for so long then. I remember Micah Richards doing that ages ago. He's possibly been superseded now, like
  6. Elric

    Football pet hates

    "Enjoying my football". Just sets my teeth on edge, for some reason.
  7. Elric


    Did I hear right when those two young kids were saying "they all want him (Rafa) out"? Not like mackems to utterly fabricate something like.
  8. Debating whether to hoy Jesus in now, given he'll be a guaranteed* starter now Aguero is dead. (*)
  9. Elric


    "They've played nobody..." Neither have yees, inbred cunts, yet you still languish at the foot of the 'champo' "They'll get a bunch of bad results and they'll drop down and Rafa'll walk and west ham will come sniffing around and... " Simmer down you Sam Smith looking motherfucker.
  10. Elric


    To me, one of the funnier responses was more to do with the old turtle putting her fucking email address as her Twitter name, I forsee contact from Nigerian princes and IT support from the Indian subcontinent - helping rid you of that pesky virus you 100% definitely have - in your near future
  11. Elric


    Of course the thread culminates in someone being 'subtly' offered out, fucking inbreds
  12. Elric


    Good, let them accept their fate. Wallow in it. Drown in it. I'll burst out laughing as they languish in the Champo and eventually slide down the leagues.
  13. Elric


    Aye. Was just ganna say i didnt see anyone agree with the OP. Surprisingly reasoned for that place, fair play.
  14. Elric


    "He's a baby-raping Nazi sympathiser who probably likes Nickelback! Probably also a NPW! Kill him!" "Yeah, tell us all who you are!" Seems unlikely at this juncture
  15. Jesus Christ. That's a good read though.
  16. So Leicester missed the deadline by 14 seconds? FIFA are an absolute joke, like
  17. Elric


    For all of the shit we have to endure with the Fat One, this lot have it worse and they know it. They're bang in trouble, and like Sima says this is classic 'comfort blanket' behaviour. Better that than face the crushing bleak reality of life in, and supporting, Sun'lun.
  18. Didn't the Madrid council do a dodgy deal with Real Madrid a few years back RE Buying the training ground then giving it back to them for free?? Barca' s dodgy deals, Clubs paying others to get results etc etc Public tapping up of players, etc etc. All of that happened before the inception of FFP though, so it's ok Nowt to do with having your product eroded somewhat by having the spending power of your top couple of clubs matched (if not massively exceeded) by other 'elite' clubs. Clowns
  19. Not that they're bitter or anything.
  20. "Why the fuck doesn't Rafa play two up front tho?"
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