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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Cant wait till the day we return to this competition, i miss it dearly
  2. Tell you what, lets name a Spurs/Newcastle 11: Given Cimbonda Faye/Cacapa/Rozenhal King Enrique Milner Barton Steed N'zogbia Berbatov Owen IMO
  3. I think we have better cover now, tbh i think its time to change, i fear that he has got a reputation as a fans favourite and for that reason Sam wont drop him. People say he needs experience, i think we will see a better Taylor if he isnt a guarenteed first teamer and has to work to be moved up to that place in the team. IM this should be our defence: Beye Cacapa Faye Enrique With Rozenhal in rotation or either in the place of Faye and Cacapa. Obviously if/when Faye and Beye sign
  4. See his foot dangling about as he fell? No, thankfully, i just seen the pop
  5. Just seen it, fucking looked awful. Get well soon tbh
  6. Havent scored competitively at home since Liverpool in Febuary, which was a mistake by Reina and a penalty, so we need to score tonight.
  7. Given Solano Capaca Taylor Enrique Geremi Smith Emre Ameobi Owen N'Zogbia Noice
  8. I cant even be arsed to give these arseholes 5 mins, you get people who are normal and want good debate, but then and for some reason this is rife with Spurs fans, you get deluded arseholes who think they are the best thing since slice fucking bread. We fired 6 goals past them last season and we still arnt a patch on them in their opinion, fuck them i say.
  9. Kev where did you get that avatar? i made it like 2 years ago for a forum and got rid of it AGES ago, im surprised you found it tbh
  10. TBH i think we need to change, we created next to nothing in our last two games, any chances were rare.
  11. Take it we finished 20th or where we just not on the list?
  12. I fucking hate when they say the full title like Pearce used to ALWAYS say Manchester City Football Club.
  13. Why did they ask you though just seems abit random
  14. NSG isnt a media whore hes a celebrity, remember he kicked off our campaign when we won the league............. oh wait
  15. Decky

    Today's Games

    I had 27 points for my team, then Arsenal score and my points go to fucking 19
  16. Decky

    Today's Games

    Arsenal have scored after the penalty? its down as 1-0 on SSN
  17. Decky

    Today's Games

    Fucking Arsenal fucking up my fantasy team
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