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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Had a crazy dream about him were he set up the winning goal for us in a way not even Messi would have managed The only problem - Carroll scored...
  2. Depressing seeing Tottenham doing so well.
  3. It´s a really complex question. From the clubs point of view we just can´t let him go. For me it would mean relegation because even if we needed one in the last four windows not one CB has come in, without Colo we would need at least two of really good quality. From Colo´s, and a human (if she is as seriously ill as it sounds) of course he should go. The complex situation in this is that he is under contract and I don´t think you just can give him away or pay him wages. If he just can´t stand being here either a club has to buy him for a market value, we freeze his contract and he can´t play for someone else or someone loans him. My main point in this is though. We can´t be without him and he has a contract. Maybe the best is to keep him and then maybe let him go home for visits at times we can.
  4. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I don´t even think we have used all of the "Carroll-money".
  5. I've moved past anger and into acceptance now. It's easy to fall back on 'we are Newcastle, we should be challenging' for everything, but even if you agree with that you can't just leap from where we are now to that ideal situation. That may be true but it also says a lot of what the people, that especially you two are supporting the most, has done to us.
  6. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah me too. But we have an owner that just don´t care about the success, and a manager that just isn´t good enough to take us to the top. That makes it all even more frustrating because I agree that in many ways we do have a good structure. We would just need a owner that would care a little bit more, and a manager that is a little bit better.
  7. And also that 99% of managers are the same. Fergie is possibly the only exception and you've seen the results of that. Yeah a pretty good results
  8. Ashley doesn´t do "competition for places".
  9. No. It started for 6 month ago! I know what you means. But comments like that still "grinds my gears" in that we have thrown away so much since last season.
  10. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    It really doesn´t help that he every single week, pre- and post matches, talk about getting back injured players..
  11. After Pardew´s few super statements I just can´t see how we will win this at all.
  12. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Whats the point to even play the game this weekend? Because seemingly Pardew can´t win without his "best players"
  13. For me he is just another Obertan.
  14. At 20 he will not suddenly become a top player. But I most say, especially seeing the first team, that it´s something terrible wrong with the coaching in our club when every player that comes up has the same problem. I´m sure that Sammy would at this stage would be a better player than he is if he would have been brought through at Manure, Arsenal etc. Sure better players around you make you better, but the quality at the developmental system is way more important, and that seems to be none existent. Sadly.
  15. I said it a long time now. I never liked Ba because he seems to be a real ego. Glad his gone. But obviously not happy with our striker situation.
  16. WOW Villa are truly shit. Could have been down by 3-5 goals by now.
  17. I genuinely think he doesn't want anything. This is purely a case of agents looking for money IMO. But it´s his agents. So surly he could just dump them or just not listen to them. Sounds more like a bad excuse. Though I´m not saying thats what they want. The only reason you would become an agent is to get moneys from deals, so.
  18. Take a look at every other game. We need to win matches and tbh I just hate him. He´s not a footballer.
  19. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I was just looking at the table and I wanted to cry. He needed the results a long time ago and hasn´t. Should have been replaced a long time ago.
  20. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    With maybe a exiting transfer window coming up I would like to see this fucker out of the club. He will never get the best out off this team, never.
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