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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Training is fun #shelveylogic
  2. Nice and sunny now in Manchester!
  3. Training's fun though.
  4. I've now decided that it will be a glorious day when Kane gets sent off for something. He's become a right massive cunt on the pitch.
  5. Bruce never thinks before he speaks. Fucking thick shit.
  6. The way the game is going, it blatantly has a fluke NUFC 1-0 win written all over it with Carroll getting the goal. We'll then switch to 4-4-2 forever.
  7. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2019/08/29/jonjo-shelvey-not-lazy-playing-football-running-around-lot/ Needs to man up, this lad.
  8. The "Give Bruce a chance" brigade can fuck right off.
  9. "Not a puppet" What a fucking cunt man.
  10. Local media are too fucking soft despite them suggesting otherwise.
  11. They won't even be aware of what he's said, they're detached from the club and what's happening. They'll turn up for arsenal completely unaware of anything that's happened this summer. They'll ask each other about the new lad up front, they won't know where he's come from, where he a born but they'll know he cost £40m so Mike must be spending some serious cash. Its blissful and selected ignorance. Its a social occasion and the thought of not turning up is totally alien. The sad and utter truth of the matter. It's so saddening and upsetting.
  12. And another thing, if he does feel victimised in any way, he can absolutely fuck off with that utter delusion; he has taken away the pride people had in Newcastle United Football Club.
  13. That interview confirms what most of us know: he's an absolute fucking cunt of the highest order. He's never fucking understood. The sooner he gets done in for dodginess the fucking better, he signifies what's wrong with the business world at the moment. He deserves all the fucking criticism and shit that comes his fucking way.
  14. This 100%. Hope karma strikes the fucking cunt.
  15. The man is deluded as fuck.
  16. I've taken up amateur rugby union in the last year so now I can't wait until the new season for that starts.
  17. This is absolutely heartbreaking news. Clearly not enough was done to keep Rafa, the man who brought hope and pride back into the football club (and arguably the city). Unless there's a dramatic turn of events in the next 6 days, Newcastle United Football Club are officially dead to me.
  18. Sifu


    Unless I'm missing something (eg. injury etc), taking Sancho off was a fucking massive mistake.
  19. Wow wow wow! Shit has just got real! Please, please get everything sorted.
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