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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. TheGuv is my new hero. Fuck Elliot, he's shown himself to be a right cunt - he can fuck off along with Pardew.
  2. The FA ‏@FA 7m DONE IT! @hullcityteam manager Steve Bruce celebrates at full-time after his side defeated That's some celebration like, look at his face!
  3. If/when they do win the PL, it will be deserved - they've played some fantastic stuff this season and they've had the right mix of homegrown, new faces and established players to get them through - all of this is really what you want to see in a team winning a league rather than a team of expensive individuals assembled together in the City/Chelsea mould. I really cannot see where Liverpool's next loss is going to come from, it's all in their hands and they're handling the pressure very well - the title is theirs to lose. I would have been more than content and more willing to see them win it if it weren't for their insufferable cunts they call their fans but that's me.
  4. That really is fucking sad to see. We could have really pushed on and almost replicate the 5th place finish but the people above had other fucking ideas. The first half of the season has really amounted to nothing - I can't really look at our win at Old Trafford with much pride now seeing as we've not pushed on from that point. How sad.
  5. This thread is redundant.
  6. Didn't someone mention that there's going to be a banner of sorts?
  7. This is probably wishful thinking but surely a loss today, especially with that line up and formation, will finally see the demise of Pardew? Everything about him is just fucking sickening. We'll be playing like headless chickens today, no doubt (the players probably have no idea what they're doing in training either).
  8. Oh dear lord, just seen the lineup. Fucking hell. Incomprehensible. Heavy defeat on the way.
  9. Freddy Shepherd also brought us this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2cwVS_vmbA
  10. Wanted to go to this game but don't think I'm going to bother now. All signs point to an uninspiring performance alongside a heavy defeat.
  11. Decided to go into the casino tonight to watch the Bayern-Man U match and most of the Man U fans there primarily blamed Rooney for their loss tonight
  12. He's lucky that PSG have Ligue 1 pretty much wrapped up. Should have done a lot better than what he conjured up as "tactics" tonight. Blanc's terrible man. Hence why I said he's lucky to have Ligue 1 wrapped up (also edited my post above just there too). Would have been sacked a long time ago if it wasn't for the £100 million + team.
  13. He's lucky that PSG have Ligue 1 pretty much wrapped up otherwise he would have been walked out in the summer. Should have done a lot better than what he conjured up as "tactics" tonight.
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm now officially resigned to Ben Arfa's inevitable departure in the summer - the victimisation from Pardew is clear. Ben Arfa only played half an hour on Saturday and came on when we were 2-0 down with the game all but lost - what is he expected to do in half an hour? Ben Arfa does have his faults (like any other player) but he always seems to be the only one in receipt of public criticism when others are seemly let off the hook - he deserves better than the cunt he is currently "managed" by. He needs to move on to pastures new for his sake. If/when he does go, we'll be letting go an immensely talented player and what a fucking shame that would be.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26928782 Gutted for the lad. He has been a bright spot this season and would have liked to see him in Brazil. Still young though so still plenty of time left.
  16. Sifu

    Lee Charnley

    This news is about as exciting as Father Stone off Father Ted.
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