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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Losing their best CB will obviously be a massive blow but you'd think that they have some sort of replacement scouted... What are the chances of Moyes going in for Jagielka?
  2. This is about the only feasible (and sensible) option to go with (that is, having Marveaux further forward in the number 10 role and have Anita and Sissoko playing deep) but of course Pardew won't go with it.
  3. Might go on a Bovril binge to get me through this.
  4. Why indeed... I'm watching it with a Sheffield United fan so there's my reason.
  5. Fulham are so shit that it's hilarious.
  6. Sifu

    Players in public

    Aye, definitely him.
  7. Sifu

    Players in public

    I think I'm in the same pub as a very sad looking Ray Stubbs (or someone who looks very much like him).
  8. Thank f***, looks like there is someone up there in the sky.
  9. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    How far off is Gouffran from playing? We really need him back like.
  10. I think his attempts at motivation are the problem tbh. His man-management skills (something which I commended him for the season we finished 5th) have greatly declined too and that is yet another factor imo. Guess his own ego gets in the way as well. He also pretty much keeps the wrong players happy and risks alienates other players (ie. the Taylor/Yanga-Mbiwa selection issue).
  11. Once again, we did not look at all fired up for a Tyne-Wear Derby and that is again one of the factors on why we lost yesterday - the mackems, to their credit, wanted it a lot more than us. I simply can't fathom why Pardew can't motivate our players for this occasion, he's been here for 3 years + now and last season's 3-0 loss and this season's 2-1 loss hurt a lot of people so surely he can see the importance of this fixture? Guess it doesn't help that his negativity knows no bounds really, why he decided to go with the long ball tactic in the first half is simply a mystery and quite frankly idiotic. Bottling twat.
  12. It takes some f***ing skill to lose 3 consecutive Derbies (and to look second best in each of them). Well done you f***ing c***. Fuck right off.
  13. I'm going to this This confirms that I'm crazy and a bit of masochist. Me =
  14. 9 pages long? What an anti-climax today has been. I suppose Jim White tried to make it more exciting than it actually was?
  15. ^Right on cue with my post. What utter shambles.
  16. Bet they've got the official club statement ready to send already.
  17. 8 o' clock with Natalie big jugs. Boom.
  18. Sweepstake on who will get sent off for is tomorrow? I say Taylor on 25 minutes (sorry everyone, I'm not confident of a win at all).
  19. Not watching SSN atm, when's Jim White on?
  20. Sifu

    Clément Grenier

    Normal service resumed I see
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