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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Shame he's a cunt and has got that cuntish look about him.
  2. Yes, just keep wasting chances McManaman.
  3. Been happening all season. ITV are idiots.
  4. Think the thing with that this time round is that it's Wigan and after the Haidara incident, they've gone right down in people's estimations (and rightly so) - hence why people want them to lose horribly. Horrible club. I'm not that fussed about it being Wigan, I was p*ssed off when Birmingham won one, and Portsmouth, and Middlesbrough, etc. I totally see Dave's points and actually think them more logical than mine, there's just something symbolic about when one of these clubs win a cup and we've been hanging around for 44 years for a cup and 58 years for a domestic one. At least when one of the "big" clubs win it I can put it down to being all about money, etc. I can understand your point of view and Dave's. My view is because it's f***ing Wigan, they can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned and I want them to feel some f***ing pain for once so a sizeable City win will do me.
  5. Think the thing with that this time round is that it's Wigan and after the Haidara incident, they've gone right down in people's estimations (and rightly so) - hence why people want them to lose horribly. Horrible club.
  6. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    With Shola out, it does give Adam Campbell some sort of chance to shine (hopefully).
  7. The sad thing is that if Martinez is still in charge there next season, can actually see them doing quite well, what with Martinez's attacking instincts...
  8. Just had a shuddering thought, what if Wigan actually do win today...
  9. Silly question: whilst a win virtually means we're safe, how does it confirm safety?
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    So is he finally accepting responsibility? Is he going to be a changed man if he keeps his job? Is he fuck.
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    So there could be a light at the end of the tunnel...judging by those quotes anyway. Hopefully as soon as the final whistle goes at St James' in 2 weeks, it will be the last we see of him there for a long, long time.
  12. Sifu

    Players in public

    Jill Scott's currently out in Manchester.
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Such disappointing news about Falcao
  14. Sifu

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Not with that idiot Mancini in charge.
  15. Sifu

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Ferguson's achievements at Man U are nothing short of phenomenal and he does deserve all the plaudits he's (inevitably) going to get come the end of the season. A legend of the game, it has to be said. Shame he's a c*** of a man and is (soon to be was) quite the bully on the touchline (this will be something everyone will gloss over unfortunately). He has my respect because of his achievements/managerial ability but ultimately, the way he acts/ed like a spoilt brat means I can never respect him as an individual (if that makes sense!). The Moyes project will be an interesting one. Don't think he's the man to lead Man U mind but we'll see...
  16. Sifu

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    I sincerely hope so but it won't happen
  17. This will give me the boost I need for the week ahead
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