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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. derby fans fucking love him. given he won twente their first ever title, i'd imagine he's liked there as well.
  2. i wouldnt know tbh, i dont know any boro fans to discuss it with. to be hated for creating the best few years in their history would seem harsh to me however, but im cautios of 'outside looking in', hate when poeple do it to us, so i'll take your (their) word on it.
  3. mcclaren gave boro the greatest period in their history tbf. McCleish gave Birmingham their greatest period too. Sign him up. he didnt though, did he? he won the cup, granted,but im sure he relegated them too? hardly greatest ever period. mcclaren had boro in europe, twice (i think), he even got them to the final man. It's relative. Two s**** clubs had a bit of success. Both s**** managers who have failed most of their careers with the odd blip of success. i'd call his boro achievements a bit more than 'a bit of success' tbh, what he did there was pretty impressive. he succeeded at boro, twente and so far derby. failed at wolfsburg, forest and england. so, as i say, he's a mixed bag. )a mixed bag i'd take out of the english options).
  4. mcclaren gave boro the greatest period in their history tbf. McCleish gave Birmingham their greatest period too. Sign him up. he didnt though, did he? he won the cup, granted,but im sure he relegated them too? hardly greatest ever period. mcclaren had boro in europe, twice (i think), he even got them to the final man. i'm also sure he's one of the only managers to win the dutch leageu with a club outside of their top 3 or 4. mcclaren is mixed bag, i'll give you that, but to use his boro tenure as an example of how bad he is is just daft imo, he was a roaring success at that club.
  5. mcclaren gave boro the greatest period in their history tbf.
  6. As already been said, if we're going English, he's my choice. Seems a good bloke I think.
  7. probably already been said, but this next managerial move will show ashleys intentions for us, as in, what he plans to do with the club in the next two years or so. I think he may stick with Carver until summer and then sell us. This is based on absolutely nowt by the way!
  8. interesting read http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/fabricio-coloccini-how-defenders-power-has-grown-within-st-james-park-9949279.html
  9. I'd be absolutely ecstatic with benitez, which is precisely why it'll never happen, sadly.
  10. It'll be pulis, sherwood or Beardsley imo.
  11. Adkins is another one who was championed by a few on here at one time. We're fucking clueless man (me included).
  12. I used to enjoy the Monday night show itv used to do when they had the rights, think it was called 'the premiership'.
  13. shame to see, loved him when he played for us, but he's clearly not all there, sadly. the only reason we ever saw him in black and white was because he wasnt all there, if he had been, he would have been at one of the top clubs playing for a top manager, but they dont want to touch him, never have. so im glad hes a nutcase, otherwise, we'd never have seen him here!
  14. he's been largely poor for hull by all accounts, but, to be honest, i dont give a fuck. I watched him enough for nufc to know he shouldnt have been handled the way he was, he's the most talented player we've had in fucking donkeys, and he should still be here.
  15. Do you honestly think his job is under threat? I'm surprised to hear that.
  16. Yet he still didn't bother strengthening the defence. Apart from the 43m spent on defenders... He could just have faith in the youngsters to get the job done instead of spending big on another defender and pushing someone out of the club whenever everybody is fit. At the same time nobody could have expected this amount of injuries. We were having to play McNair and Carrick in CB so it shows how bad things are. Will still beat Arsenal. Just hope Di Maria doesn't get injured so I can see him in the flesh next week, along with Ben Arfa. not having that at all, he spent £43m on rojo, who looks nowt, and shaw. to ignore vidic and ferdinand, who'd been an unbelievable pairing, was negligent, and he'll pay for that i think.
  17. I'm pretty sure, up until last weekend, they had more points at this stage than any if the previous 4 season, I'm sure I read that? They want their heads testing if they sack him, imo.
  18. Think I was doing the same wullie, that's adkins, rosler and jol who have fucked me.
  19. He got it spot on tonight, the cunt.
  20. If Chelsea and Man City didn't exist I would agree. disagree, he's spent £16om or so on a team that was champions 12 months prior, if he's as good as he claims, he should have them champions.
  21. he should win the league with what he has spent, imo.
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