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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. SEB is Sophie Ellis Baxter and just like our Giggs she was in the news for something and the news got posted multiple times by people resulting in SEB
  2. "Newcastle are the Richest Club in the world" Richest owners - YES, sure But not the richest club (probably Man U or Real Madrid - Richest clubs are teams who self generate their own finances)
  3. At Texas A&M University, where my daughter went, they started a 5K fun run inside the football stadium - Called "Run the Ramps". You run a 5K through the concourse levels as well as up/down the access ramps between levels. It wouldn't be possible for SJP as the stadium wasn't built to have continuouos access between stands, but its a really fun event.
  4. It forces the referee into a decision. Most likely awarding the FK for the foul (that wasn’t going to be given) and occasionally a FK for handling. In my past life as a referee I would think it a Douche move, but give them one FK for the foul, but the second time it was going the other way
  5. Both Everton games are midweek. Wednesday 19th October - Newcastle United vs Everton Tuesday 25th April - Everton vs Newcastle United
  6. It might stop the encroachment up the field and at least get the kick in from the right spot [/jest]
  7. Worth signing … just for this
  8. It's from RTG and an picture of a couple of older "husky" Newcastle fans in B/W shirts that were probably a size too small. The shirts had stains down the front, and RTG took the p*** out of their looks and ran with the "gravy stained mags" thing. Now it's just anything NUFC is "Stench of gravy"
  9. At least this one has a good sense of humor “Spare a thought for all those Chelsea fans waking up in the morning, checking Twitter and asking who the hell William Storey is.” ??
  10. If the ball is out of play, then a foul (with DFK) cannot be given as the ball being in play is a primary requirement for a foul. Original restart will still take place. However, a card can still be given for a misconduct with the ball out of play. So you can’t still give Yellow or even Red Cards if the ball is out of play.
  11. I always misread this treat title and wonder what Wraith has been doing now
  12. Whoever thought of adding the "shirt" flags in/amongst all the black-and-white flags is a genious. Love seeing the old shirt colours on the flags like the Away Burgundy/Blue hoops, but my favourite is the orange Pavel Is a Geordie flags.... City Skyline, Brown Ale and memories. We need more !! Would also laugh if the Custard/Creme shirt appeared too
  13. It's been 30 yrs since I lived in Newcastle, so I don't know how much use Castle Leazes park gets today - probably a few dog walkers, but it is a bit tucked away behind the stadium and separated from the city center. I would think that the land-swap, where the ground moves up higher onto Castle Leazes and the redeveloped ground becomes a park, would make the park area much more accessible and used. Office workers taking lunch breaks in the park, more people walking through etc. It could be a win for the city as well as the club
  14. Would love to see a land swap with the city between the current site and Castle Leazes. The new Stadium would be even higher on the hill making it even more prominent over the city. The ground would still be in walking distance from the city center pubs. And if they redevelop the current site back into a park, it would be a fantastic walk for the fans, through the park, up to the ground. I remember seeing a drawing, on here, of what the redeveloped park could look like with the new Stadium in the background and it looked great. Would be a real asset to the city. And if the Reubens are the property magnets they say they are, they should buy buy up Leazes terrace now, and then sell it as high-value residential property once the park is redeveloped and the views are open over the park.
  15. What RTG is missing is that their club just isn't the same financial engine that Newcastle is (and never will be). And that's not a knock on their fans. They equate attendance to ££ but the willingness/ability to pay the higher ticket prices needed to be profitable just isn't there. And I'm not even convinced that spending £350M would get them back up to the Premier League. They definitely have the fanbase to become a solid Champo team, but the fanbase are going to have to pay higher prices to increase the revenue stream to levels required to support a Champo budget. That was always (and still is) their problem, costs greatly exceeding revenues.
  16. Suppose a game ends 9v9 (two off each side). Is the narrative that the players "lost their heads" or that the referee "lost control of the game"? That's why the referees do what they need to do to keep the players on the pitch and not throw pedantic cards around tossing players left right and center. (My referee association would say (in general) that if you have to dismiss a player, then you have failed with earlier decisions). I do agree that it would be better if there was less shithousing from the players, and more respect for the referees, but honestly, unless the league/FA demands more absolute/draconian refereeing then it will never change.
  17. Game thread Page 58 if you want a giggle at the next 5 pages of Fuck Off, Embarassing, Fucking Typical
  18. I love that Going Home/Local Hero is part of NUFC - its a great tune and builds really well. But how did they get associated? I know that Knopfler is from Newcastle, but how did that song get linked to NUFC?
  19. Gotta defend their Trafalgar Square diving trophy
  20. When Mickey Quinn scored four to rout Leeds 5-2. That was a heck of a Saturday night in town.
  21. And fade to STID … …. the wife saying to her husband … ”Why does nothing good ever happen to us, Pet?”
  22. I think I need to change my screen name .... maybe from now on I should be known as ...... Exiled in Texas not RTG
  23. Ahhhhghgh. Crunchie bars are one thing I really miss being Exiled in Texas. First thing I do when I arrive, and last thing I do when I leave is buy Crunchi bars. Mmmmmmm
  24. Agree GWN, Desperate to have anything positive in their day. It's amazing how they don't see how embarrassing their behaviour really is.
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