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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Maybe the death threats came from within?, like 'If you get us relegated and this takeover falls through I'll fucking .........you'
  2. jackyboy

    Graeme Jones

    I wish that one or two of the players would leak something about how influencial Jones has been
  3. It's taken 18 months for this team to show some fight
  4. If Bournemouth knew that they were about to sack the manager I wonder why they didn't keep Jones on
  5. I hope that the Covid restrictions are lifted soon because when this arse gets the sack there will be street parties everywhere
  6. jackyboy

    Graeme Jones

    The demeaner of the players against Everton was totally different to how they have been. Even prior to kickoff you could see it, players smiling at each other, chatting, really looking up for it and they were totally at it right from the start and that can only be because of Jones. Bruce is incapable of motivating players this way
  7. They'll be determined to get back to winning ways and could be like a wounded animal
  8. Be interesting to see see if Jones is leading from the touchline again with Bruce scowling behind him. Wouldn't be surprised though if Bruce has told him to stay at the back with Clemence
  9. I actually agree with your line of thinking
  10. These sort of comments will seriously piss off Jones I would have thought, bloody hell it pisses me off. Unless of course Jones knows the bigger picture
  11. jackyboy

    Graeme Jones

    Somebody with a bit of football knowledge made this Jones appointment happen and it wasn't Steve Bruce or Ashley
  12. Steve says the 'risks' he has been taking have paid off and we have been showing signs of producing this sort of performance since the Villa game. This man just makes me puke and the only way we will get rid of him is with a takeover
  13. Jones barking out instructions while Bruce just stands with his hands in his pockets and Clemence taking no part in the background
  14. I can't explain how much I hate and despise Bruce, even more than Ashley
  15. The only way we will get rid of this tosser is to totally boycott the club. If and when the ground opens to fans we must ALL stay away to hurt Ashley in the pocket
  16. I still don't understand how the Jones appointment came about. It can't have been Bruces idea because that is admitting failure and undermining the other two Steves. Ashley wouldn't have a clue about other coaches or what impact they might have so I can't see him coming up with this. The only way I can see this transpiring is if Jones, being a Geordie etc., and seeing the mess we were in, contacted Ashley and put his name forward as an interim manager if Bruce is sacked. Rather than kick the 3 Steves and out have to start afresh. Ashley then decides on the current option putting Bruces replacement in position first and probably using Jones as a mole to feed info back to MA
  17. Why is he signing letters that he's received?
  18. They'll probably 'rest' Pickford again after last nights calamity
  19. Our new 'Assistant Head Coach' says he's looking to bring a style of play that suits our players, that he will be sensitive and it will be up to Steve Bruce if he listens or not. You couldn't make it up could you. Does this meen that we now have 3 assistant head coaches or his he above the 2 Steves
  20. jackyboy

    Jamal Lewis

    Trouble is some of our players don't seem like they want to show themselves to receive the throw in. They have a bit of space then turn their back like saying don't give it to me
  21. Okay, we were a bit better second half but Leeds are dreadful at defending and decent sides will score at will. The bit I liked about Leeds was how they used a little triangle of players to work a bit of space then release the ball quickly to their runners. Obviously something they work on a lot in training. Unless Leeds tighten up they will be in the relegation mix
  22. 10 players doing what comes naturally to them, like it's the first time they've played together. No structure and no plan.........MANAGERLESS
  23. I've heard from a good source that we will be having 2 false 10s and a false3, all on the bench
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