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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Does anyone think that Bruce looks on this site and reads about what we think of him
  2. Steve has this all worked out.........Keep going and Surs will tire in the last half hour then we'll punish them
  3. When we get the ball and move forward out of defence nobody makes forward runs or even gets ahead of the man with the ball
  4. Why would we want to change manager when we have Steve Bruce??
  5. Words cannot express how I feel about my club now. I think I could stomach having Ashley in the back ground, I certainly did with Rafa, but Bruce is just the worst of the worst. I can't even stand to look at him stood there on the line with his tongue flicking in and out, his interviews are embarrassing, he constantly lies and he just does not seem to understand what a fool he makes of himself
  6. McLeish is the classic failure. His only success was with Rangers where anyone on this site could have been successful. His knowledge of the modern game is zippo
  7. We don't get close enough to the opposition to catch the virus
  8. You use a system that suits the players, not come up with a system and put square pegs in round holes
  9. Ever since the day I walked through the door.................................
  10. Bruce is well capable of turning a silk purse into a sows ear. I feel sorry for the young lad Lewis who has tremendous potential if handle and coached properly but that won't happen here
  11. Miggy was always going to be the one shunted to the bench because Bruce hasn't a clue how to use him. That's Bruces style
  12. Seems to have lost all the sparkle that he had when he came. Not just his football but his demeanour. He just looks disinterested, or he could be carrying an injury
  13. Ashley didn't look very impressed with what he was seeing. He must think 'I'm paying all these SD employees the minimum wage and zero hours contracts etc., and they work their bollocks off. And here I am watching this overpaid shower of shit'
  14. The 'fans' won't stand for too much of this before they get on Bruces back and maybe hound him out. Being a geordie won't protect him just like it didn't protect Jack Charlton when he was here
  15. Wonder what Brucies mate thinks of this one. Best we've played in 3 years?
  16. Llalana on. I really reckon this guy, thought it was a great signing
  17. We've absolutely dominated this game, 48% possession and 0 shots on target
  18. I thought we fought back really well against a very good Brighton side
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