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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. He probably thinks Zoom is a motorbike and I doubt he's got a computer anyway
  2. I missed the 3.00 pm announcement of the takeover........what happened?
  3. What with lock down and this not knowing I'm beginning to feel that this is just another false dawn
  4. Takeover or not, I just want Bruce away from this club. I have never ever rated him during his whole managerial career and I'm a lot older than him. In my opinion he has never ever justified being in charge of a Premiership club, or a Championship one even. He has proved to be a consistent failure and has shown no loyalty to any clubs he's been with.
  5. All the reports are 'Could be' or Might be' or 'it is expected' Any of us on here could write these articles which confirm nothing at all
  6. Could do a lot worse than bring Rafa as manager for a couple of years until he gets all of the structure in place then make him DOF
  7. Bruce............'I was on the verge of winning the FA cup and turning my boyhood club into title contenders'
  8. They'll need Charnley to 'get it over the line' because they know how good he is at doing that.
  9. If Ashley pulls out of this deal and the Saudis lose their £17 mill deposit they might decide to just behead him
  10. Maybe he will take Staveley out for a Kebab and sweep her off her feet with his good looks, charm, football knowledge and vision then we could get a few more years of 'Since I walked through the door' etc
  11. I sort of hoped Bruce would stay here long enough fall flat on his face and be exposed for the fraud that he is. However, getting rid of MA will compensate for that
  12. There will never be a better time for MA to sell. If he doesn't he will need to put his hand in his pocket to support the club, something he doesn't like doing. If you are looking at it long term and your funds are plentiful it is a good time to buy, exchange rates for foreign investors are favorable and if you can get a club like NUFC, with the potential it offers, at the right price it's worth a punt
  13. As we no longer have any scouting staff, not that they'll be any miss, we should just forget all about transfers
  14. I wonder if and when football starts again that the players could be banned from their none stop spitting while on the pitch. It is said that they need to do it because of their exertions etc but they don't spit all over the floor of the Gym when they are working out in there
  15. I wonder how clubs stand on this because players are employed to play but there is no football. I wonder if there will come a point where their contracts become invalid. I find it incredible that players have not offered to take a cut or offer to pay the wages of those employees further down the money ladder, those who need it. I can really see this developing into a massive shit storm
  16. I doubt if he will be with us much longer. if someone offers a decent lump MA will take their hand off.
  17. In the light of all of this frightening Coronavirus epidemic and all of those who have lost their incomes in full or in part and jobs lost altogether it makes me wonder. As footballers are not playing any more, and managers basically unemployed for how long we don't know, why don't they lose their jobs or income. Why should they be treated any different to the rest of us? I wonder if football and the obscene monies attached will come down like a pack of cards
  18. He is a worse virus than the Coronavirus
  19. Bruce says he prepared for the fixture suspension 4 weeks ago. This guy is the dogs bollocks, all prepared before we had 1 case in this country, fucking amazing
  20. Luck Steve again. The suspension of the games will give him time to get Dubs back
  21. Well I'm 76 now and been a supporter of the club ever since I was a child. It has always been a part of my life. Needless to say I have seen many managers come and go, the huge majority of which were worse than useless. I always found it upsetting and frustrating watching these hopeless guys creaming a living. I despised the Pardews of this world and the pretenders like Souness and Dagleish. I remember Jack Charlton, a Geordie coming here, dismantling what we had (I think he sold Waddle) but he was exposed and forced out by the fans. They gave him so much stick that he couldn't stand it any more and left However of all the former managers that I have despised none comes close to how I feel about Bruce. He is a bare faced liar, a total proven failure and trying to ride on the back of his Geordie roots. I detest this disloyal, useless piece of scum more than any of them. I detest him more than Ashley who is openly here for the benefit of Sports Direct. My years of following my team are finished because I cannot bear to watch that fat water gulping slob on the touchline
  22. Why did he wait an hour after their man was sent off before trying to do something different? Another lucky win for Bruce
  23. Fatal psychological damage and fatal????? I would love it if that happens
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