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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. I think it's a very unfair contest because Brighton are organised, have a plan and know what they are doing but we just have Steve Bruce and his tongue has worked overtime today
  2. A 'team' consists of 11 players who compliment each other in a balanced, organised side, not 11 players who really don't seem to have specific rolls to play other than get behind the ball then hope for something to happen
  3. Miggy was always going to be the fall guy because Bruce hasn't a clue how to use his attributes to best effect. Apparently Bruce did the same at Villa with a couple of their young players. Just didn't have a clue how or where to play them so just sat them on the bench
  4. jackyboy

    Jamal Lewis

    Playing under Bruce and co could ruin all the potential and confidence this boy ever had
  5. Miggy will be cast aside to warm the bench because SB has no idea how to use him
  6. You'd have a job hiding that fat bastard
  7. jackyboy

    Jamal Lewis

    We need somebody young for Bruce to blame when we ship goals
  8. Where is our super striker Joelinton?
  9. I love it when the press have an article about who we are trying to buy, accompanied with a picture of Bruce with a phone to his ear. As if he will be involved with transfer dealings
  10. jackyboy

    Jeff Hendrick

    McCarthy must be one of the most successful, respected managers in football so Bruce had to take notice of what he said. Onwards and upwards
  11. They are about as attractive to watch as we are. Difference is they have a manager who gets the best out of what he's got and a system that suits them. Bloody awful to watch mind
  12. David Icke will open up the stadium to fans again because he says Coronavirus doesn't exist
  13. Spends a lot of time 'Since I walked through the door' and banging the door down. At least his past clubs have prospered since he built the foundations of success.........Sunderland, Wigan, Hull, to name but 3
  14. How many of these 'Rumours' do we end up signing?
  15. jackyboy

    Fixtures 2020/21

    Easy start, we should just cruise up to the top of the PL
  16. jackyboy

    Jeff Hendrick

    This could bring back a few thousand fans
  17. I really don't fancy the idea of Shearer being manager. He'll probably appoint Bruce as head coach or something. In his last spell he appointed Iain Dowie who was another donkey
  18. We could be a top 6 club after Bruce has spent his £30 mill budget on Rose and Bentelab or whatever he's called
  19. As Ashley (NUFC) are one of the 20 shareholders of the PL surely he can ask and be entitled to an answer. Perhaps he could get a few of the also ran clubs in the PL to support him
  20. If the stories are true about giving SB £30 mill for new players then they would be better off spending that money on the academy and training ground. That would add value to the club. Giving Steve Bruce the money to turn decent players into crap ones would have the opposite effect
  21. The PL don't need to make a decision now because the deal has been withdrawn. That suits them just fine, no questions to answer. I know it's not the PL but the Championship have kicked out the takeover at Charlton because of failed director tests (Paul Elliot and a.n.other) Difference was it was done almost instantly
  22. I keep looking on here, living in hope. Hope born out of desperation and disappointment
  23. Very few people had heard of or knew much about Mike Ashley until he bought Newcastle
  24. I find it hard to accept that Masters and the Pl are not the subject of an investigation
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