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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Rose is favorite to get sent off. Does quite a few risky fouls
  2. Shelvey and Ritchie will never be dropped again
  3. If he has a decent opportunity to get away from Bruce he should take it
  4. Yes we did and my brother and I were both there. We went to every game including the final
  5. We'll get drawn against the 2nd worst side left (We are the worst)
  6. Can see us winning this and I'm dreading it. Great tactics by Bruce, never been through to this stage of the FA Cup for a zillion years and so on. Managing to scrape through against 2 division 1 sides at the second attempt will be forgotten
  7. He is not good enough or mobile enough to play of the main striker plus he doesn't seem to have any anticipation. He is no good on the wing either for all of the aforesaid reasons. If he did come with anything at all then Bruce will have it all rinsed away by now
  8. jackyboy


    £43 million for a donkey to play on the left wing. Ritchie is far better than him in that position and most in the team could be at least as good as him in that position. Still, at least he's forced ASM out
  9. How on earth people say that Joelinton did well? He cost £40 million to score goals. Can't do that so we'll accommodate him out wide. If you wanted a decent wide player then £43 million would nearly have got you Leroy Sane and not some second rate donkey
  10. The whole team selection was about keeping Joelinton in the side. Needed to play him out on the left so that he is not expected to score goals. To accommodate that we drop ASM and play Almiron through the middle despite wide left being his best position. Because we've moved him from his regular wide right square peg in round hole position we need to play Ritchie wide right. It is an absolute joke, I just wish it was funny
  11. This guy is amazing. Announces a new formation before the match and reveals that you can't win games if you don't score goals.......fucking amazing
  12. Problem is the 5 midfielders won't be allowed to cross the half way line so it'll be 9 at the back
  13. If the Burnley team get quarantined I reckon we scrape a 0-0 draw
  14. I read some of the comments on an article in The Mag and this person said that to criticize Steve Bruce 'who has managed at a similar level to Rafa' was unfair. Couldn't believe that someone wrote it
  15. After we fulfill his aim and forecast of finishing in the top half of the table this season he'll get a new 9 year contract. I don't know if he's looked at the table but to get in the top half he has to displace Arsenal, Burnley Southampton, Everton and good old Crystal Palace
  16. I think the commentator yesterday said that it was Bruces 300th loss as a manager. Could have misheard it
  17. jackyboy

    Fabian Schär

    Schar, Lejeune, Fernandez and Dubs should have their agents working full time to get them out of there
  18. Sunday training???? The problem is that 'Practice makes permanent' Not 'practice makes perfect' The training they have been doing has made them worse so more practicing will not make them better but will have the reverse effect
  19. Bring them in for more training after a hard game and travel back, that should accelerate a few more injuries and boost moral
  20. I get the feeling that these players are beginning to see through this lovely Geordie local lad who is a lovely bloke. Their body language says to me that they are realising that he is a fraud
  21. jackyboy

    Nabil Bentaleb

    This guy brings nothing that Hayden or Mattie can't do, absolutely pointless. The 3 new signings bring us nothing. I prefer Ritchie to Rose and Lazaro is a square peg in a round hole
  22. Bruce........'Maybe we need to change things'
  23. jackyboy


    Everyone agrees, even Bruce, that he is not an out and out No9 goalscorer. Ikeep hearing that he is better playing wide or deep. The fact is that while he may be better suited to those positions he is still not good enough to operate there. Probably a decent back up or squad player but £40 million?
  24. Usual from Bruce, bring on the subs, RB for RB etc and don't change a thing. Desperate stuff
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