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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. They've stopped us from probably taking one of the Champions league spots. Look at the little group up there, feeding at the trough. Each one of those would be concerned at possibly losing their place along with £70 mill? plus. Of course they influenced the decision making
  2. We always have to take it too far, don't we? It was a light hearted quip guys but I didn't know how to insert a smiley
  3. If Amanda wins her case against Barclays maybe she can then buy the club on her own
  4. Shame to see that Neil Warnock has decided to stay with Middlesborough for next season. Probably beyond our financial remit but he would have been a massive upgrade on Steve Bruce
  5. To be such a prick and useless arse hole in his professional life he must practice being a prick in his private life. The man is a grade one lying tosser and that opinion of him was formed many years ago
  6. Yes it's takeover or nothing for me. Couldn't stand another season of watching this crap and watching face licker
  7. If somebody had told me when I came through the door that we'd finish the season a point ahead of a top side like Crystal Palace I'd have been delighted
  8. You can't take it away from Steve Bruce, he's done incredibly well because the press said so
  9. Rafas defensive displays were highly organised, this is just desperate defending
  10. We are really having a go here, 24% possession now
  11. And the commentators 'What an incredible job Bruce has done getting his players set up for this match despite all of the injuries'
  12. Can't see Klopp allowing his players to ease off. He's probably worried sick about the threat of Bentelab and Rose
  13. I think Pearson has done an incredible job, taking over when they were 6 points adrift. Watford deserve to go down now
  14. Why would anyone who buys a premier league club choose to have someone in control of the players who is the worst manager/coach in that division?
  15. Didn't look remotely fit yesterday. In fact I thought at one point early in the game that he was limping.
  16. End of season announcement then SB can give them his shopping list of the new players he wants to take the club forward, since he walked through the door, I'm nobody's patsy, I don't want to make excuses, we played really well today (after getting hammered), front foot PLEASE HAPPEN AND GET RID OF THIS FACE LICKING TOSSER
  17. jackyboy


    He was played up front and failed miserably. Since then Facelicker has played him in various positions where lack of footballing skills aren't exposed. He will never improve under Facelickers guidance and would learn more by being on the bench or watching videos of top players
  18. I watched the game last night and there is no system to the way they play whatsoever. There is no patience, no composure, just get it forward as quick as you can to ASM and fingers crossed. I think we had about 15 so called attempts at goal and scored 1 while Spurs had 5 attempts and scored 3. We are shooting from places where we are unlikely to score, ASM being the main culprit. The sooner this face licking prick is gone the better
  19. Joelinton has to be the first name on the team sheet. Surprised that Bruce doesn't try him at full back as he's been crap in every other position
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