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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. Forget the league table for a minute and look at the managers table. Where would you put Steve Bruce? One of the top 5 managers? Bottom 5, bottom 3, or bottom 2 which is where I rate him
  2. I don't think any of our players would have made the bench for City and Bruce wouldn't even make it on the cleaning staff
  3. How could he be an ambassador? he's thick as shit, looks like a tramp and would be an utter embarrassment.
  4. I don't think that this will happen now, been too long and more stories in the press today about Saudis human rights abuses Be just like the thing if this takeover is blocked, no fault of Ashley and he gets a big compensation payout.
  5. We've just played against 3 of the worst sides in the league so hard to judge
  6. Why on earth would he want to leave Steve Bruce to go to PSG?
  7. Pl management has moved on beyond recognition and the requirements to succeed are much more than being a nice bloke and man manager. Bruce is a lifetime behind the Klopps and Guardiolas of this world and each season sees him drop further behind
  8. Bournemouth may not be the worst side I've seen this season but they are definitely the weakest. A top side would have put 10 past them last night
  9. It was only a matter of time before he dropped Almiron because basically he doesn't know how best to use him. Some Villa ST holders told me months ago that this would happen because he did the same at Villa
  10. If you got points for the manager flicking his tongue in and out we'd be top of the league. Mind you he is good at it as snakes are
  11. Every player seems to have regressed under Bruce. Compare that with how players like Sterling, De Bruyne, Foden etc have developed under Pep Guardiola
  12. Just please end the kneel and black power salute, enough is enough
  13. Leicester also had Vardy who was a bit of an upgrade from Joselu
  14. After watching my team for nearly 70 years the enjoyment is gone. It's not just about Ashley because when Rafa was here I didn't think much about MA. I just can't bare to watch Bruce mouthing it on the touchline, a complete fraud who has no right to be there. I would rather have 10 Pardews than 1 of him
  15. Fancy there could be an announcement just before kick off today saying that the deal is done and we now have new owners.........oh and they've sacked Bruce as well
  16. jackyboy


    He'll have no problem with social distancing the way he plays
  17. I can't help but feel that Rafa DESERVES to come back and build his vision. He is one of the few who actually cares about the city, the fans and the people. Bring him home
  18. Bruce says he would back himself for a crack at the job under the new owners. Can't see anyone else backing him like
  19. If this all falls through I can just hear Mike Ashley.....' I couldn't stand by and watch this great club falling into the wrong hands. All I've ever wanted is what's best for NUFC and it's fans'
  20. With all of the trade we do with China it's a good thing they haven't been involved in any human rights problems. Perhaps people should stop buying mobile phones in protest
  21. He will be sending letters to the players telling them to keep fit by doing lots of running
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