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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Nearly. After beating the 10th man he stood on the ball, wappd out his I-Phone and MSN'd Jamie and his hos. His celebration was absolutely amazing Who would of thought he would take out his love truncheon and give the poor keeper a lil slap. Ahh! That explains his booking! You must've left early you bombaclart... It wasn't a yellow card that the ref brandished, 'twas a banana. Dutty then screamed ''BANANA TYYYMMM!11!!" and about 2,000 bitches and ho's stormed the pitch in what has gone down in history as the first naked mud-wrestling pitch invasion. And yet Shola still strolled around looking disinterested
  2. Nearly. After beating the 10th man he stood on the ball, wappd out his I-Phone and MSN'd Jamie and his hos.
  3. It doesn't work like that. The current standing of the club in the league will have little to do with the price of the club. Businessmen look at numbers first of all, and if we are selling a fairly healthy financial club (with good facilities and on paper good players) the current standing of the club in the league is of secondary importance. But each defeat is a step closer to the Championship, businessmen look at the probability of cashflows as well as the size of them. Although it is still likely that we will not be relegated (looking purely at the standard of player we have and an expected upturn with a permanenet manager in place), the chance of relegation is getting bigger each week. Increase the probability of a cashflow and this flow has less potential value to an investor
  4. Well at the moment any valuation would have to factor in income streams from the Championship rather than the Premier League. If you were to look at our position without the passion of a football fan thats where we would appear to be headed if we don't get taken over.
  5. 6-8 games he says - he's not here tomorrow and we have an international break coming up. No imminent sale then
  6. Its one of those laugh or cry moments
  7. Think the soap opera here would be right up his street... That would actually be brilliant. Finally..... The Rock has come back. To St. James. Park It would certainly liven up the pre and post match interviews, especially if we could get Mene Gene Oakland to replace David Craig
  8. went to bed early after the makeover SP60'sH? It was a traumatic experience and it wiped me out. Just about getting used to the transformation now
  9. Group Deferred income, not including capital grants, which were £3m a year on top 2002 28,552k 2003 £28,459k 2004 £30,310k 2005 £29.269k 2006 £24,554k current and 8543k non-current 2007 £19,544k current and 6006k non-current I don't have soft copy, only the published accounts cheers bud
  10. Step forward Nile 'Str88888888888888 as a banana' Ranger. The future's bright, the future's Dutty
  11. I really need to stay up at night just the once to witness something like this in full flow.
  12. 30k would be expected for a third round carling cup tie. Only ManU and Arsenal with a tenner offer beat that number (i think). losing 10k on that in the current situation when the game is on TV isn't that unreasonable imo
  13. i think there is actually. how about Fabricio Coloccini's 70's Haircut? :colo: Colos Curlers - get on the case mods!
  14. First of all apologies, I got whisked away to Glossop to work and haven't had a chance to look at the cash flow - will do tomorrow. Secondly, I'm not going to quote the post above but you can't take the wages in isolation. They need to be compared to other clubs and the timing of new TV deals. Back in 1998 Shearer was out top earner on about £40k a week (based on media reports I grant you). Bear in mind we signed him as a WORLD record transfer fee. Barton and Smith earn more than him now, I'd guess that £40k is a pretty average premier league wage now. Thirdly, someone asked about the frequency of wages. There is no set answer, it will be on a club by club basis. I know of a few clubs who pay youth players monthly and first teamers twice a year. Not that it makes much difference over a year. Finally, I know I'm being a cheapskate, but if anyone has the 2005 accounts could you post the deferred income figure for me please - reason being the accounting period changed in 2006, if the deferred income was higher in 2005 it will prove the timing of season ticket receipts for me, I'm interested!. Oh and Chez, I know I need a name change, just don't know what to. (Is there a Geordieboyo on here yet?) Ta
  15. Doesn't Shearer like Tel? going back to the Roeder caretaker period - Shearer assisting Tel could work short term
  16. Basically how I feel. Martinez and some of the continental names being bandied about like Deschamps might sound nice in internet land and could be very successful at a normal well-run club, but this club is a circus at the best of times, and at the moment it is completely in the shit. Can anyone honestly say that the vast majority of supporters would accept the manager of Swansea? I just can't see it. I really don't know what sort of manager Shearer would turn out to be, but if Southgate and Keane can do it reasonably well without being made to earn their stripes at some 3rd division club (which is a stupid argument to begin with) then I don't see why Shearer can't. We don't need a big reputation, or experience in the Turkish league or attractive football. We need a motivator and someone capable of lifting us out of this funk. Shearer might be a desperate, panic appointment but this is a desperate club that should be panicking. You need the fans on your side and you need to raise expectations. Forget about Zico and get real. We may well need to look at 'the manager of Swansea'. Who else would look at us - I have doubts over whether Martinez would want to come up at the moment. AS for the man, if he continues on his current developmental path then he will manage a top La Liga club in the near future. He has revitalised a Swansea team which was stagnating in division one after a couple of play off pushes and now has them in the top half of the Championship playing exciting attacking football.
  17. Zoggy is talented but is a head down player. Put the right players around him and he is useful. However, relying on him to do anymore than put his head down run at people and try to make somethign happen and he will never deliver. Agreed, can we accomodate such a player right now? Its another tough choice, do you play someone who may create a chance out of nothing but who may also end up wasting every attack he is involved in (and don't get me started on the corners)
  18. Did anyone else think that there was nothing wrong with Colo's ball. Taylor had plenty of time to play the ball, he dithered and put himself in trouble then tried to fanny himself out of it. I used to like Taylor, but he has started to go backwards, he needs a rest
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