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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. didn’t Tino get stretchered off in that game as well or was that a different one?
  2. Other than considering the cost of upgrade vs cost of new and potential capacity there is no financial incentive for the club to move is there? I'd guess St James as it is would become flats or commercial use but the council own the land don't they so there would be no sale value (unless a deal is done with the council to share in any sales proceeds should the Council be looking to raise funds and are keen to move us on)? If I had a spare fiver I'd put it on us being in the process of building a new stadium within 5 years
  3. Can we get Brian Pinas to be out Dutch scout? im sure he can uncover some gems to arouse the senses
  4. We're definitely missing a full on hatchet job of a South American team
  5. My kids were pulled out of lessons to watch that rubbish. They aren't quite sure if they like watching football yet, that's going to set me back at least 6 months. On the flip side working in a Welsh uni is going to be fun this afternoon
  6. Rashford will start if Kane is out won’t he?
  7. I know its by no way his strong point but Kane read the Cbeebies story tonight and my god it was so monotone and lifeless. Amazing that he captains club and country with that personality
  8. 20 minutes in 5 games over the next few weeks will keep his match fitness just where it needs to be
  9. He’s the Novak in this conversation really. Messi is Roger, Pele is Rafa and Ronaldo is the one likely to end up with my silverware but him being him will prevent him being regarded as the GOAT for the majority of people
  10. Was it Merson who got a ban for involvement in spot fixing involving a throw in within 10 seconds?
  11. Would rather Lucozade Sport tbh. bring back John Barnes at half time flogging it and reminding us that isotonic means it’s in balance with your body fluids
  12. Nice that even with Liverpool's recent uptick in results we've still put 6 points on them over the last 5 games
  13. Speaking to a Watford fan and the thoughts amongst many of them is that Pedro is coming here either Jan or the summer, the new contract was to keep him happy after the deal stalled in the summer and not an intent to keep him longer term
  14. If that is the case then they’ve not conceded more than 1 goal a game even after playing Man U (a), Spurs (a), Chelsea (h)
  15. Fine with it, in fact enjoy seeing it, when it’s part of a bigger plan. if we combined the shithousery with 9 behind the ball and Bruceball going forward then it would be horrid. combine it with how attacking we are and how easy on the eye and enjoyable our play is then it’s a great edge to have
  16. to think the last time we really saw him before injury was when he fucked City so hard up the ass Liz Truss was crying with pride
  17. If Wolves do is a favour that table going into Christmas is fucking beautiful. must not forget that we’ve also played City and Chelsea at home and Liverpool, Man U and Spurs away in our first 15 games. Also what on paper are tricky away games at Brighton and Southampton. other than Arsenal away there’s a nice little run of games on the restart as well
  18. Get Bournemouth infront and the whole league table has a fantastic look atm
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