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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. As good as it’s initials? best selling Brazilian aftershave 1983 - 1989
  2. I'd start him with the aim of getting 45-60 minutes in his legs.
  3. How does Wilson become such an unattractive female
  4. It would be great if we could get a left footed free kick taker as well. Just imagine Trips, Maddison and the lefty equivalent lining one up. Keeper wouldn't know where to start. If I'm being greedy make it a Robert so we have a power option to counter the precision from the right
  5. bad hamstring injury on Boxing Day. Records remain intact. who am I kidding, he will already have the record for most goals in a season by then.
  6. Didn’t Liverpool sign Suarez 18 months after he left us for Man U? Pretty sure his knee injury and Torres signing didn’t align either, although I may be getting mixed up with the metatarsal or one of many hamstring injuries So sorry Little man, but Torres and Suarez didn’t stop you going back, being a little short cunt did that
  7. Most managers last less than 2 years so have very few employment rights anyway!
  8. Put ASM on the other wing (or Isak) and we have 2 wide men that teams can't afford to double/tripple up on as we can just switch the play. Miggy may never be the most prolific but the way the team works with him puts a threat down that wing
  9. Why is it obvious? They are having a real transitional season and unless they spend big on the midfield in January they will continue to effectively play to Klopp's style this year, of course they have individual talent but that team is a 6-8 placed team this year. I'd say City, Arsenal and Spurs are pretty much nailed on for top 4, its really down to Chelsea and Liverpool as to whether the door is open for one of us, Man U or Brighton to sneak in as well. There is an opportunity this season to take advantage and at least get 6th and a chance of Europe (likely the cups go to one of the top 4 again). Next year will be more difficult
  10. Better player and better goatee than his best mate
  11. Miggy really doesn’t suit tattoos mind. He’s an excitable little kid, shouldn’t have the ink
  12. it’s like they’ve brought in a full stand of cardboard cutouts instead of selling tickets to fans
  13. i love Miggy but he ain’t pinging a free kick in from 20 yards or rising like a salmon to head in a corner
  14. Said at the time he should have gone after the Euros. not because he deserved to be sacked but more that he wouldn’t be able to raise the team again. Like losing the play off final, it’s hard to go again. Players needed a change of voice as well. we’ll get out of the group but quarters max in the WC then he will bow out.
  15. Would like to see some flexibility in formation rather than having to put significantly weaker players in to keep a shape. a 3-5-2 allows us to keep the midfield three, being in Botman alongside Burn and put an extra body upfront. wouldn’t work when ASM is fit, but when he is out the 4-3-3 becomes limited in attacking options
  16. when Mark Dripford is a committed anti royal and was on breakfast telly saying we should be debating the continuance of a monarchy yesterday morning it would have been a bit rich for anyone to be shut down for protesting in Wales.
  17. I've seen pictures of Hatem on a stretcher with a leg break and that there is still the saddest image I've ever seen of him
  18. Fully expecting hidden footage emerging of him having a Charles moment with the pen
  19. Even if he only manages one cup appearance you would like to think he will be a positive impact on Pope by having higher quality around him in training (compared to Darlow). On paper we are now as strong in GK depth than before Dubs left with a few quid in the bank on top.
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