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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Even if he only manages one cup appearance you would like to think he will be a positive impact on Pope by having higher quality around him in training (compared to Darlow). On paper we are now as strong in GK depth than before Dubs left with a few quid in the bank on top.
  2. you could have that plus Wilson. id probably go in dry on Truss to see that for 90 mins
  3. Down with this as long as Canada get to use Blame Canada from South Park. would also allow Wrexham to use this
  4. I associate LoHaG with the Macho Man so bring it on as the NA I say! America should adopt Hogans theme as well. some Radnor Eastern Europe country and have the Ultimate Warriors for good craic
  5. Footballers cutting their hair short never works out well. If you start your career with anything longer than a number 5 buzz cut then going short removes any source of power you have.
  6. would be a restriction of trade on the individual if you didn’t allow people without a contract a route to get one. one of the many legalities of the Bosman ruling and subsequent transfer windows etc
  7. Football fans are a funny lot. I reckon the majority are either neutral on the issue or in favour of abolishing the monarchy yet if the games go ahead at the weekend it will be full on partisan celebration through renditions of the national anthem. Let the games go ahead, celebrate her life and passing then pull next weeks fixtures (if for nothing else there won't be the policing available in London). It's not a difficult decision
  8. gazzas outstretched leg being the width of a gnats bollock away from a second in the Euro 96 semi
  9. If Anderson gets his foot in and makes the third midfield spot his own then I can see any money in Jan going on a wide forward. Barring a continued injury crisis though I don't seem much happening in January at all
  10. If ASM isn’t back but Bruno and Wilson are I’d go 3-5-2 for this one, double Brazilian and then either Williock or Miggy furthest forward, maybe even go for it with Anderson
  11. Chelsea at home is the last game before the World Cup. am I doing this right in that we should be getting 18 points between now and then, so an opportunity to gain up to 12 on what’s required?
  12. Gained a point vs City and dropped 2 yesterday against what we would expect to get. 1 point down, can be made up next week with a win (can’t wait to see the knots VAR gets into trying to screw us both). need Bruno and ASM back sharpish
  13. I’m not sure it would. Stopped game, red card, drop ball isn’t it? depends how far away the ball is mind, if it’s just been cleared then possibly it’s a foul in an active area so penalty, if it’s totally no where near the active play then drop ball
  14. Frasers legs are no doubt feeling Weds with limited football in them before hand, possibly see Anderson start out wide?
  15. You may as well bold Joelinton as well. From the ghost up front to the fucking brick wall in midfield is as good as a replacement signing as its a completely different position being filled
  16. 15 points before Manu I reckon. West Ham may be a tad optimistic but with the way we played tonight and against City it should definitely be the target
  17. Fancy us from a corner tonight (if we manage to get one!)
  18. What’s with the 6:45 cut off? Surely we could make him as a sub or even in the first 11 and if the clearance doesn’t come in we simply lose a sub?
  19. Klopp will probably complain how unfair it is that they’ve had an extra 24 hours than us between games meaning they have lost a little bit of match sharpness
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