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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Yes you can. It then becomes a Civil/Contract point where the burden is much lower than for a criminal court. The tape in itself can easily be used to created a case of serious misconduct bringing the club into disrepute. It could get messy with lawyers but you'd have a good case of winning any tribunal if it got to that
  2. I'm sure Howe always had belief that he'd make it to the top but good ol Jase must think he's on the lottery being up here now
  3. More likely to be W,D,W. We're fucking smashing Liverpool on the send off game
  4. Lascelles for the send off, lets be honest he is off in the summer. Miggy because he deserves it for stepping up this season in a big way output wise. Wilson as it just kind of feels right for the number 9 to get it Murphy for the wind up
  5. Hiding behind the wording that says retrospective action for violent conduct in the process of challenging for the ball can only be made where the incident was not seen. Assuming VAR looked at it and said nothing doing then it was seen by the officials.
  6. So why didn't Salisu see red for nearly taking Miggy's head off? I don't think it (Salisu) was anything other than a foul, just pointing out that if you go on potential impact without intent then this was probably more dangerous in potential impact than Bruno's. For me Bruno's was a red for a mistimed challenge above the ankle but its a crime worthy of a one match ban, not 3
  7. Wife's Gran's 90th party on the 26th, sitting down at 2pm. We're taking 2 cars so I can get away early
  8. It wouldn't surprise me if Howe's instructions at half time were to just kill the game dead but a combination of the occasion and Southampton showing a little more led to some nerves and scrappy play. But despite that there was only the Armstrong chance that they threatened with really. I reckon it would seem comfortable viewing if you watched it as a neutral
  9. salisu’s mortal kombat fatality attempt on Miggy (yes completely accidental but if intent isn’t a factor then that was high)
  10. Neither and both. I'd be going for high energy, high pressing from both rather than having a DM. We're going Lee/Clark style here
  11. Yeah, Bruno has himself to blame for the red, he was half a second late and an inch high but Tierney would have had to hold some responsibility if the foul had resulted in a bad injury through losing control. The freekick for handball against Bruno was a foul and that set him off, then after the 2 fouls in 2 minutes he should have brought out a yellow or brought Bruno and Trips over for a long chat to calm the red mist
  12. Maxi in, Big Joe and Longstaff a proper midfield 2 - lots of legs in there, with Willock playing more advanced behind Wilson Big 3 games for Maxi, if he's not starting against Liverpool then you'd suspect that is it for him here. I reckon he's going to thrive coming back in really as the main man again but this time with a dangerous Miggy on the right to limit to double/triple up. Need to start well, can't have another 'after the Lord Mayer's show' again. 3-0 Wilson, Maxi, Willock
  13. Would love some over zealous auditor going in and impairing all of the players not in the 25, all transfer fees written off in one year and a massive loss.
  14. McCoist is such a good co-commentator. You can tell that he really enjoys watching football, doesn’t over complicate things and has a nice bit of humour. mind you id be as happy as Larry if I got to work with Laura Woods 3 days a week
  15. they probably are but we’re giving them no time at all to get a foot on the ball.
  16. I reckon the bigwigs can broker a deal for JWP whilst the game is on this evening, contract negotiations at half time and a medical as part of the cool down. Pose in the post game win photo to save on the publicity shots and bobs your uncle
  17. If Dubs leaves then I can see Karius being kept on and one of Forster or Krul coming back for the Scott Carson role
  18. Didn’t we ‘score’ from a rebound off a pen vs Bilbao but disallowed as the kicker knocked it on so double kick? We’re the kings of cocking it up, but not this time
  19. If a free kick hit the draft excluders hand (and it’s in the box) would it automatically be a pen? There’s no way you could claim the arms are in natural position for a football game
  20. If you are not registered in a 25 man squad then you should be automatically available for a fee equal to one years salary. Selling club cannot refuse an offer at that level. exceptions for players under the age of 21.
  21. From Cooper's pov he has brought in 2 senior players who have 'game smarts' after a year of Eddie.
  22. We've lost the fewest domestic games across all leagues now haven't we - after Arsenal lost to City for defeat number 3 (1 league, 1 LC, 1 FAC)? Our run in the LC balances out the first round loss in the FAC for number of games played as well so its an unfair comparison as if we had been knocked out in the first round of each cup
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