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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. it’s not, they are 2 different transactions. the loan is an operating expense in the year. The obligation to buy at most would be a provision with an equal asset on the book, but overall probably ignored on grounds of materiality as there is no profit impact. im surprised (or maybe not) that FFP hasn’t added a clause to deal with them but accounting wise it’s pretty clean to deal with edit actually it would probably be a future obligation disclosure rather than a provision, so just a note to say it will happen rather than recognising it
  2. I don’t see what you can do with extending contracts, amortisation rules are on the initial contract length
  3. You get into technicalities a bit bit a transfer fee is for the purchase of a registration, not the actual player. The loan is simply a payment to allow you to use the registration for a period of time, so in substance the obligation makes it feel like a purchase, technically (and that’s what counts) it’s not. if we really wanted to screw with FFP for this year we’d look to structure a deal at £10m upfront and £50m (or whatever) payable only when we sell the player / renew the contract. there is no obligation until that point so it would only be the £10m that counts. and who says accountants are boring!
  4. there’s a 3 year period for losses, but to get to the loss in any one year the value of the transfer is spread over the initial contract length - could be 1, 3, 5 years whatever. one point on this is that as everyone is doing it for seemingly every transfer it’s soon going to be a redundant thing to do anyway in managing costs. Adding loads of clauses in lots of ways is just smoke and mirrors to maintain an image that fees are continuing to go up, most of them will never be paid
  5. yes, the £10m becomes relevant when we qualify for Europe and is spread over the remaining contract length. if it’s after the initial contract period then you take the hit in one year
  6. It’s the structure on incentives (£xm after winning the champions league etc) and initial loan that assists with FFP, not over what period you physically hand over cash for the fee.
  7. completely wrong. It’s how much you are obliged to pay spread over the initial contract period that counts. When cash changes hands makes no difference. incentives make a difference as they only become relevant if the targets are met. a loan with obligation makes a difference as you are adding a year to the calculation and only the loan fee counts in year 1
  8. Wouldn't worry, it will fuck up his marketing algorithms
  9. A competitive pre-season such as getting to the final of the inter-toto would help as well.
  10. He knows the teams, knows medicals have been booked but is light on transfer specifics. Ando works in the medical/fitness team at the club. also think he is called Andrew or surname is Anderson hes no golfmag mind
  11. I can't believe that the loan to buy crack hasn't been clamped down on for FFP
  12. Messed up Euros and Pounds for the fee didn't he?
  13. Como has nothing on Kielder like
  14. the white and green number may well have been Castores pitch to keeping the contract
  15. we’ll I really don’t want to see MOs leaked nudes
  16. would you admit to it ? it’s going to be rammed down the viewers throats all summer
  17. Looks like this cunts daughter is going into Love Island. another reason not to watch it, may take up aortic modelling whilst the wife rots her brain cells for the next 3 months or so.
  18. wrong, he’d be in breach of contract and could be sued by Brighton accordingly. would be pretty straightforward to show us as inducing him to breach his contract leaving us open to legal action as well. us paying Brighton is to have them waive the rest of his notice period therefore ending his contract
  19. Looking forward to the media next week going to the position that this Liverpool team has reached its peak and now needs to be rebuilt over the summer.
  20. Have to say Dawsons rather understated approach is pretty funny in amongst the carnage that is Mersin et al
  21. injury time og from coutinho to crush Merseyside
  22. I'd be wary on getting Raphina (or even Richarlison) if we are serious about Bruno's mate. 4 players from the Brazil Squad (yes Big Joe is getting in there) is a risk with the travel involved for internationals, we could be significantly weakened for a number of games. Talent wise its a no brainier though
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