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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. feel dirty saying it but I don’t mind old Monkey Heed and tbf he did a decent job at the dark place
  2. Hopefully their first team are waiting for the Mega Bus to Lille and we get their reserves.
  3. He doesn't have to be if him playing allows 2 of the Jos to be more attacking or play tweaks to make even more of ASM / more of Wood etc
  4. Saudi's or on the direction of the Saudi rulers? There is a massive difference when it comes to relations and potential repercussions/sanctions.
  5. I wonder if they buy insurance for each flight or have an annual policy. Could easily see cover for a single flight to eat into most of that £20k
  6. no way they get 12, maybe 4 at a push, and that’s if we don’t turn up next week and only take a point
  7. Looking at Everton’s fixtures and a point against them should mean they don’t catch us even if we lose every other game
  8. Everton would be pretty fucked ffp if they go down wouldn’t they? despite the 100s of millions spent they don’t have too many high value saleable assets. Richarlison, DCL and maybe T-Rex but there’s only really spurs who are getting to the point of needing a new number 1 in the big 6
  9. Sports direct / Flannels or whatever his company is called now could raise the finance for that deal if he was desperate for another Prem club. Not going to happen though, even if it is the distressed sale scenario he so loves
  10. Have some respect, it's in no way quite funny that Everton could be in the bottom 3 tonight. It's absolutely fucking hilarious that they could be bottom 3 and 5 points behind Burnley by the time they next kick off
  11. Not inconceivable that Everton are 5 behind Burnley by the time they next kick off and 6 behind us. Worst case for them is that Watford beat Arsenal as well to bring them level. that either puts a rocket up their arses or causes them to drown in the brown stuff
  12. Is there a site that works out when teams cannot get relegated? City cannot be caught by Burnley now ? but just on points between 3rd bottom and other teams everyone else could be caught. 100% that with teams playing each other it’s actually mathematically impossible for more teams to go down, top 4 maybe? I think we’ll be safe by game week 34 with an assumption that we lose our 3 away games in a week. Won one or two of them, especially Everton and I’ll bring that to week 30
  13. Best number 7 we've had since Rob Lee, who in turn was the best since KK. Not bad company
  14. Finally a worthy successor to the Belgian Prince
  15. How are we classifying Vieira in this mix? As good as any midfielder the Premier League has seen
  16. Big Joe at centre half aint a bad shout - if he's gone from a 'couldn't give him away' centre forward to a £40m powerhouse by moving back a few places imagine the improvement again if he moves back into defence.
  17. We need to match or beat (by one game) 3 out of 6 teams. over the last 6 games only 2 teams have a better record than us. we are in form, not just results but putting in solid performances. we’ll be fine
  18. Norwich Brentford Everton Leeds survive by the thinnest of margins, possibly GD from Everton
  19. Would those houses and hotel fit the current SJP site?
  20. they’ve got volume of teams in their favour, need 6 teams to do better than them which is unlikely and they have match winners who will pick off a few teams before the season is out. don’t see them doing much next year though, would be surprised if Stevie G makes it through the season
  21. level on points with Howe if they lose today. Hare and tortoise
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