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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. fucking love the Tornados as well so you’re probably onto something there
  2. will always be a F14 guy. we had one fly overhead at the Blue Lagoon in Fourstones mid 90s. Never had anything close to being as loud as that was
  3. Not quite that far, but BHA will know that if they play relatively nice now there will lots of opportunities a few years down the line when we start the City/Chelsea production line of players
  4. Look at Arsenal's league placings - up until 2019/2020 there is 0 argument that they are one of the big six in English Football https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/fc-arsenal/platzierungen/verein/11 Unfortunately the same can be said of Spurs over the past 10 years https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/tottenham-hotspur/platzierungen/verein/148 You'd definitely say they (Spurs more so) are at risk of being replaced in the 6 but in today's conversation they are there
  5. I think you've spelled Dummett wrong there
  6. This could be the best ever Love it or List it episode
  7. Get a win on Saturday and with the other games we could be above Everton, Leeds and Brentford. don’t see four in a row happening but we are in form. I doubt any team has gone down after winning four in a row before
  8. Whilst we have the big six fighting against us now there are bigger players who will help our cause in years to come - sponsors. Once we get a couple of names through the door they will be making sure that we are high profile as it will benefit them. Spurs go bye bye from the big boys table as it only sits six
  9. I will, I almost went full blown bring Rafa back after Watford but just about held it back. Not really to do with Eddie, more the pull of Rafa. There is no doubt that to the naked eye we have had a slow start under Howe and have dropped some winnable points (Brentford, Norwich, Watford) but when you look back on the improvements and where we are today you can see the hard work that has gone on behind the scenes that was needed to flush away the turd of Bruce and there is now nothing between the performances of the managers who came in at the same time (Gerrard, Smith) and I would expect by the end of the season the stats will show that we got the right man
  10. Not the worst game to have to play Krafth in if Manquillo is out short term. If we'd lost against either Everton or Villa then we'd be looking at this game being one we really needed something from, however a loss now wouldn't be the end of the world. Bigger games coming fast after this one. Having said that it would be nice to give a top 4 team a bloody nose, and who better than the porn barons and Sugar's bitch. (For a bonus point there is bound to be a forced photo opportunity with Mandy and Brady in the press)
  11. He’s one point behind Gerrard now in the battle of the new bosses
  12. When you think about it our record with Man U has been completely nuts. we’ve been destroyed on multiple occasions, whacked 5 past them, numerous 5 goal plus games, times we’ve played them off the park. very little consistency to it
  13. I think the amount of draws we have skews this slightly, typically teams at the bottom lose a lot but pick up 9 or so wins from somewhere (last year was a complete anomaly). Typically you'd expect that form the 9 games we have drawn so far that 2 would be losses and 1 or 2 would be wins. 6 wins with no draws is likely to be enough, or depending on the who they fall against 4 wins and 4 draws
  14. I recall not so long ago when a match thread struggled to get to 3 pages, we now have a pre-match thread at 3 pages within one day and 4 days before kick off.
  15. Even with the more than decent performance and excellent result,2 things remain true 1. John Ando Anderson is still the most miserable bugger on the planet (never change Ando) 2. There is little better than a home crowd berating an opposition player with a loud cheer following a slice
  16. There were 3 worse sides than us under McLaren when we went down (on paper). They are in a terrific stink at the moment and probably need 4 wins / 12 points to be safe. Looking at their fixtures and they don't have many (on paper again) easy home games left so they need to pull their collective fingers out pretty damn quickly. Brentford are the ones to drop though, so Everton will be safe unless 2 of the current bottom three put a run together
  17. And I got dogs abuse for suggesting we brought in him at the beginning of January.
  18. yes! much prefer boxed nets to a triangle. don’t mind stripes, our black and white ones were great, but preference would be a full orange net. im sure the nets at Mexico 86 had the flag colours on them
  19. Wasn’t it a friendly where Juve wore the pink kit against us?
  20. Once Wilson is back I'm sticking to my Double Brazilian pivot with wither Miggy or Willock playing as a not quite attacking midfielder/not quite number 10 and then ASM and Fraser/Murphy supporting Wilson. I don't think we have the right balance to play a true 4-3-3 and we need something that gives the 'no 10' license to break forward. This could also work with Wood but you are looking for the 2 wide forwards (plus Miggy/Willock) to be breaking past him a lot or playing wide and swinging balls in. Perhaps Murphy when Wilson is back, Fraser when Wood is playing
  21. Looking at 10 points before we play Chelsea. 12 are doable if things click quickly
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