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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. What was it people were saying about Wilson coming back and ASM being more effective?
  2. We’ve not got a bad record against London teams for our last home game. this could be one of those unexpected 3/4 nils
  3. It's just Premier League to take into consideration isn't it? Or at least it should be. You'd therefore say that 2nd is the minimum expectation for both City and Liverpool and their points totals will be excellent but not exceptional. Neither should win Palace have improved from last season no doubt, but as pointed out they are 1 point above us, potentially will finish below us with a 14 game head start over Howe. Honorable mention but no first place. Brentford have absolutely overperformed this season and Frank has to be in the top 2. Howe's ppg is well in excess of both Palace and Brentford which for me puts him in direct competition with Frank. Frank will (and probably should) get it
  4. That had sticky/ironed on stripes on the arm didn't it? Came off after one wash
  5. Kanu, Wanchope, Shola. None were exactly prolific
  6. 6 goals a season right there with that mix
  7. The Jan spend was £90m gross and net though, even if we only manage to get £30m through the door from the likes of Manquillo, Darlow, Hayden, Gayle etc with perhaps one decent sale for someone like Dubs, Almiron, Lascelles then you are looking at doubling our Jan gross spend in a market that doesn't carry the Jan premium. We can also pad out with some out of contract players. Its definitely not a 'spend £150m net and we'll be more likely than not be in the top 5' but there is very little to bridge form where we are and 7th and then you look for 1 or 2 clubs to fall short to challenge top 5 next year. That should be the aim with that sort of spending.
  8. But ZZ never had the chance to play for a Big Sam team so who really won in the end?
  9. My favourite non NUFC Premier League Player.
  10. Outside of Newcastle - Michael Owen. We know the truth.
  11. Didn't Smith score a header in one of his first appearances - pre-season? At that time there was hope we had got the Leeds version and not the Man U version
  12. Didn't Fulham as a whole just dramatically drop off after the first couple of months last time? Put Mitro in a consistent top 10 team (without him) and he would perform at that level in the Prem
  13. You'd fancy Leeds to pick up at least 4 from their last 2 games. They got taken apart (scoreline wise at least) today by one of the best teams in Europe but their recent form has been OK since the manager change and B&B are no Man City
  14. If I’m being picky they should have ended with a dressing room photo
  15. He’s been sacked from all but 2 jobs - Reading and is. Ashley really was a knob when it came to holding onto shite managers
  16. Stick it in here… with a fair wind we could finish within single figures of Man U.
  17. I wonder if mr Jones is playing a central role in how we line up etc or if he has been sidelined under the new regime
  18. can’t see Everton bettering Burnley’s goal difference, especially after they ship 6 at the weekend. I don’t see either team getting a single away point (Burnley at Villa maybe) so it’s Everton’s 3 home games vs Burnley’s 4 in a shoot out. All 7 are winnable
  19. Was that a round of the Blaydon Races being sung just then?
  20. I wanted Enrique but was sold on Howe from the first training group video. now I want him to be the man to bring a trophy home
  21. Moyes has to be in the conversation, especially if West Ham win the Europa
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