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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. a) I very much doubt any other pl managers are taking calls from this pathetic knacker. and b) if they did, he would exhaust all his football chat in 2 mins. Bet he doesn't even like soccer.
  2. Urgh! Fucking sick of managers saying nice things about the useless sack of shit. Wish someone would just come out and be honest "aye, he's a bit shite like, dunno how hes lasted this long."
  3. Think we should take a moment to credit bruce for "turning" things around. Hope when fans are back in they give him all the credit he deserves.
  4. Well blow me down with a feather. Fucking bunch of kunt cowards.
  5. ".....or bruce a chance to go forward.". *shudders* bruce wouldn't know what way forward was if he had bear grylls as sat nav.
  6. Oh just FUCK right off you kunt! Not you ToonArmy1892!
  7. Awh....Beano fan club was fucking ace!!!! back to matter at hand.... Hope the kunts are hanged for their part in this embarrassment. biggest "fuck you" the PL could do would be to allow our takeover.
  8. Apologies if been posted before but found this a cracking view/listen:
  9. Does this mean season tickets will go down in price? What constitutes a 'Category A' game now?
  10. But we're Newcastle!! Those kinda things just don't happen for us. Normally against us. Had a panic on right after it went in, thought for a split second ref was cancelling it/calling play back for something. edit: give Shelvey 10-20 mins and he'll be taking early shower as well.
  11. Whilst I acknowledged the impact he had on last weeks game I didn't think he was good as some made it out to be but ASM has been been magnificent so far today.
  12. Can just picture him now post match "Burnley took us by surprise, we didn't expect them to be that good. That's not fair!!"
  13. after watch springtime on the farm this week on Ch.5 I can consider myself an expert and that is an insult to the hard working farmers of this great land.
  14. Anyone got stats on us coming back from behind under bruce? Edit: just read read that back to myself...... yuck!!!
  15. "I mean, c'mon lads, these daft jawdees expect me to win more than one game in 21 matches. Deluded or what eh? I'm not one for giving up and walking away. I'm going to stay and meet these expectations head on. I'm determined to get this club I'm a fan of (insert name here) out of the mess the online keyboard warriors have got us in to. It's okay though, I've got a dream to get them all banned, along with that Hope fella for telling the truth. If I had my way it would just be the FAN that wrote nice letters to me (hi Luke, wink wink!) that would get in to the stadium once they're allowed back in. Best fans in the world we have here like!"
  16. Personally, I'm not in favour of fan ownership. Maybe naivety on my part but I think a new owner would/should be falling over themselves to work more closely with the fans. Especially since there has been absolutely feck-all during ashley's reign of pain bar the fan forum which they took the piss out of. For a new owner it would be win/win for them. Even just on the PR side of things. Think it should be more of a new owner offering a solution rather than the Trust approaching them looking to 'buy in' to the club. Not sure what it would achieve in that scenario. Where I think it's a good idea is the possible tool it might be if we tumble mackem style and have some energy drink shyster sniffing about. But even then it would still have to be a hefty amount for cashley to sell up even if in league 1.
  17. Maybe 'worried' is the wrong word but just think whatever it is it's going to be something else to divide and not unite us. Ignore me tho.... I'm having a bad week and everything is "half empty" just now.
  18. I signed up to be a member of the trust when they had their facelift/relaunch. I thought they'd be more of an 'ashley out' movement but that's probably partly my fault in not finding out/asking what their objectives were. They seem to do some good things but if I'm being honest a lot of it passes me by. The emails come in, give them a quick once over and delete them. Don't feel they represent my voice particularly well but then I've never been one for making my opinions known to them. Gotta say though I'm worried about what tomorrow's announcement is going to be.
  19. Stick that in your bacon roll ya stupid kunt!!
  20. would just about say deserved a point. Spurs were terrible like.
  21. Is it just me or has Jones been less then visible today? Has bruce heard the comments about players getting mixed instructions from the coaches?
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