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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. You would think that at this stage of the match this is where we would see the benefit of those extra days off........
  2. Joelinton is one small step away from being a Hendrick isn't he? Not a ghost but fucking useless.
  3. Alex Hurst on Twitter: "Today’s 2 1 defeat will be hailed as ‘the reaction I needed’ by Bruce as he embraces another loss in the glow of an ‘improvement’ after Brighton Bruce’s plan we’ve seen a few times - #nufc play so badly one week that just not being a disgrace is cause for celebration the next" / Twitter
  4. See he's got his scapegoat in slongstaff ready. "We lacked the creativity and legs in midfield today, but I thought Jonjo was fantastic when he made that one forward run of 5 metres...."
  5. Oh c'mon... he asks wor andy "how's the kids?". What more do you want?
  6. eey aye eey aye here we go..... Going to dream tonight about getting to wembley and winning the pappa john's cup.
  7. Exlied fan so only got to 2-3 games a season but said when Rafa went that was it for me. Ashamed it took me that long to make that decision.
  8. Scottish Magpie on Manchester United fans and the Glazers: "Whether the mancs don't like it..... a lot of them hate them but..... round your money up and take over the club then."
  9. Maybe if he spent more time actually doing the job he was employed to do by his previous clubs (I include NUFC in that too!) he'd have less time to make 'friends' and actually might have had a chance at being liked by thousands of fans of a club. But nah, he's happy sucking sutton and rio's ring.
  10. Yeah. That's who my money would be on.
  11. How the fuck can 'club sources' think that? If my memory serves me correctly, to get promoted from the championship is all about the accumulation of points isn't it? To accumulate points you have to win games? To win games you have to attack the opposition and score goals? Where the fuck has this cabbage faced kunt displayed that he can get 'his' team to do any of that? We couldn't even beat Brentford's reserves for fuck sake!! To be top in the championship you have to have momentum, be on a roll like Norwich have been. The only fucking rolls this wanker knows is the bacon variety. FUCK OFF!!!
  12. none of our players will turn up, literally I mean.... it's been in the calendar weeks in advance as a day off as specified by the sports scientists.
  13. google for the definition of 'dead man walking' and a picture of s bruce will be the first and only result. He's basically gagging for the sack from his comments/actions over the past few days. I think the 'statement' from on high on Sunday morning saying there were going to keep him is just a ploy. I think they want shot of him but don't want to pay him the 4 million. I think charnley or barnes has had a word in mike's ear and told him that bruce is close to to edge. They're hoping he breaks and resigns. I bet bruce was hoping for the sack but then that statement comes out, like "fuck, what do I need to do to get sacked around here?, I know!, 6 days off!, back to you mike!".
  14. Me too. Lost count already the amount of times today I've jumped in here in the hope the tread title has been changed.
  15. Our passing and movement is primary school level. It has been since bruce came in the kitchen door. If I was manager watching us this season, and just thinking what can I do to improve things surely to God the first thing would get them in extra training days and practice.
  16. What was it the commentators were saying after the 'battling' point against fat sam's WBA post ritchie-gate? "that's not a team that has stopped playing for their manager'.... well, I beg to fucking differ. He MUST resign after this match. Edit: we are stinking up the league. Relegate us now. Insult to the game to call us a football club.
  17. Can't wait for him "we waz init till the injury, i'm not one for excuses but that upset us all, I even had to stop eating my steak bake"....
  18. Oh, I don't "do" change. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly and look forward to seeing the new world. On a related note... thanks to everyone on here who works in some capacity behind the scenes to keep this beautiful place running.
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