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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. That man is an inspiration to us all. Should get a stand named after him!
  2. "it was carver who brought him back..." Just fuck right off!!
  3. On the bench, unsurprisingly So fucking annoying to think that we have the players who could have us easily top 10 team if only we had a half competent coach/manager.
  4. Who's that imposter in the Anita shirt? Fuck me....where has that player been hiding?!
  5. Vukic with a touch of class to set up Rangers opener if anyone's interested....... thought not.
  6. I've got no-one to blame but myself. God... I hate myself!!
  7. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Difference between that kunts interview and Bruce is like night and day. If I was a neutral watching I know 100% who I would be wanting leading my team in to final match of the season needing a result.
  8. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Surely Mike's gotta be shitting himself thin now like!?! Needs to protect his 'business' and shoot this fucker out a cannon. Get shot of him immediately and get someone in for the last match with some ridiculous bonus if we stay up? Would he let us go down just to spite the fans?
  9. Wonder if the word relegation is in his fucking vocab now the stupid cunt!
  10. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    This is just screaming for a banner to be made for tomorrow no? "We're going down but at least we've got the best coach in the premier league!"
  11. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    He's been leaving the players hung out to dry for weeks now, dodging blame as much as he can. The only motivation he's great at is making people in this forum want to punch his face. Exactly.....none of the usual "we're all in this together", "pulling in the same direction"......no, with him it's all "why can't the players be more like me?". Deluded knobcheese.
  12. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Has he said this to take the "heat" off the players, a la Pearson and his sheep rant last week, so it will free the 'pressure' on the players so the can unleash barca style tomorrow afternoon? Has he said this to try and convince himself?.... positive mental attitude and all that pish. If I keep telling myself something often enough I'll end up believing it even though it's pure bollocks. This man is a fucking amatuer. How long has he been in the game? Worked with, and you would have thought learned from, the great Sir Bobby and this is the shite he comes out with?! He should be coming out bigging up our players (and I don't just mean the 'purple' ones) and making them feel 10 feet tall than trying to big up himself. Basically he's saying he his pure football genius so following that logic, if he is the geordie pep and we've lost so many games it must be the players that are pure dogshit. Wahey! Great motivational words from the main man just before a crucial match.
  13. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Oh just fuck off will you you fucking embarrassing chippy fryer! "I'm the best coach in the PL" but once the players cross that white line I can do fuck all to influence the game. I'm that fucking good!
  14. "The players are committed to this and if you stay with us, if you join us, we are going to fight together for our black and white family." That implying if 'we' don't stick with them (i.e. make it a full house on Saturday) then they won't fight? "Neither players nor staff would like to be in the position that we are in at the moment. This is something that has happened for many reasons and right now there is no time to look back and correct those mistakes." There's never fucking time with Ashley in charge!! We'd need to sit out an entire season for there to be enough time to produce a lessons learned report. I concur with previous posts....if Colo wrote that I'm a fucking rocket scientist!
  15. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    The reason we are shite is lack of "desire". Just fuck off you complete bellend!
  16. Really sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers with him and the kids.
  17. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Starting to think why should they? I'm in no way condoning their performance(s) but they are mercenaries. They've not been sold a vision of the club, a dream if you will. They've just been told, play for us for a season or two and get a "big" move. They've not been told this can be the best f***ing club to play for in the world!!! They are just like tat on a shelf in the fat f***ers warehouse waiting for someone to buy them. Treated like a pair of donnay trainers and it's a surprise when they don't go to the mattresses when things get ugly?!
  18. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Yet another reason why he has to resign/get the bullet. The players clearly aren't "doing it" for him and don't respect him in the slightest. We are going down with him in charge. Fuck....I'd take Hoddle in for the games remaining! I'd take relegation and a decade in the championship IF it meant we'd be getting rid of fat mike and having our club back but not sure that would be the case.
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