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Everything posted by danswan

  1. It's excellent for the environment too. Now there will be much less acid rain or whatever, and it's all thanks to ASH.
  2. danswan

    Aiden McGeady

    Scottish Player of the Year & Young Player of the Year http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/scot_prem/7357815.stm
  3. Right. Some sort of dogs head badly superimposed onto a man in a suit. I am wondering what the significance of this is...
  4. Better than auld slapper though
  5. Mark McGhee's winner v Leicester 1990 in the 5-4 comeback game. Coming back from 4-2 down to win it with a goal like that is hard to beat.
  6. I have to say i disagree, Liverpool have had just as many pannings and back page spreads as we have this season, with DIC, Hicks & Gillette, Benitez, Parry and everything else going on. I mean this isn't even a Liverpool site and there is a massive ongoing thread about them! That's mostly just Parky
  7. On hitting his marker with every cross. Bad craic! Seriously though: I'd say Geremi, Butt and Barton have all been at least as bad as - quite probably worse - than Milner has this season, and look at how they're playing now. Milner has had some seriously impressive games for us during some of our lowest spells, I hope that Dan is right about him and that he can hit top form under Keegan as well. I've seen the lad be practically unplayable at SJP at times, none moreso than against Man Utd in that 2-2. There were times last season when he looked the only player capable of making something happen. He's never going to be quick, but he can play a big part here still. That's what I mean. In the past, especially last season he has been our only bright light, or should I say a dim candle in otherwise pitch blackness. Stands to reason if you turn all the lights up, he will now be some kind of supernova star type light. Really bright and that. Retina burning. Probably better than Ronaldinho.
  8. I agree, but would add Madrid would be mugs to pay that. Mugs all round.
  9. Geremi was playing shite until KK arrived. I'm sure Milner will be a different proposition in an attacking team. Maybe Keegan can persuade him to stop beating his man again and again.
  10. Newcastle are currently playing better football than Liverpool.
  11. Without naming any names, some people must be realising just how good Keegan is, and wishing they had held their clueless, impatient, petty little tongues. We know who you are. Onwards and upwards!
  12. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/article1002298.ece
  13. An indication of how little faith Ramos has Lennon's ability to deliver a half decent cross once in a while. I do like Ramos' attitude to anyone who isn't performing for whatever reason. Irrespective of whether it is a leading light or a squad player, JR's reaction is the same, They won't play if they don't match up to what Ramos wants. Lennon has to improve his final ball, doing extra training, Gilberto has some weight to lose and I won't even begin to tell you why JJ has been absent for the past couple of matches. Does it involve mobile phones?
  14. Re: How Many League Goals Do You Think Alan Smith Will Score This Season? « Reply #29 on: December 18, 2007, 09:17:27 AM » Quote Modify Remove -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Has anyone said 6 yet? Baggsy 6
  15. I think we are now Billy Big Bollocks and expect us to win 7-1, Keegan's favourite scoreline.
  16. http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/5456/3307509jo1.jpg
  17. Gone about his job quietly, haven't seen anything to be impressed with or otherwise just yet though. Could be years until we really know, when we start to see the evidence on the pitch.
  18. He's a scout? http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/3462/cubscoutfredmk9.jpg
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