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Everything posted by danswan

  1. Keegan will sign unknown players as well as superstars you know. Some may not work out (Mathie), other could turn out to be inspired buys (Cole). Lets wait and see.
  2. Congratulations. Thanks, but it's not that great and I'll ask Chris Mort very soon if he has a job for me at the club. I can be a scout and go to Rotterdam to watch Kuyt. You'd be better off getting yourself along to Amsterdam to watch cunt, tbh. Who the hell is cunt?? Mike Cunt. If you say it out loud, it sounds like a rude word!
  3. I had never heard of Ginola before he arrived here. This is the sort of buy I'm hoping for. Surely not too much to ask for??
  4. I rang them up when they dropped Sky One and Sky Sports News and said they were my two favorite channels (lies). Got my 2Mb Connection upped to 20Mb permanently and 6 months of sky sports free.
  5. Superstars? I think I was too young to see that one but I do remember Brian Jacks inventing a new way to do squat thrusts, using grease. Brian Jacks was the Superstars Champion.
  6. danswan


    Admirable tactics, sounds like a genius but jesus; can you imagine our bunch of retards trying to get their heads round that? Simple game complicated by fools tbh, mostly wearing black and white.
  7. Souness didn't turn out too well. How about someone who would allow the players a bit of slack, encourage rather than rule with the iron rod. Engender an atmosphere which allowed the players to live and breathe the game so they could express themselves and their sheer love of football on a Saturday afternoon. A 'total football' man.
  8. We need a hard disciplinarian. Someone to weed out the bad eggs.
  9. Thing is, there's no template for success for a manager. For me what has been missing from a lot of our recent incumbents, certainly the last 3 is adaptability and humility - the ability to see when something blatantly isn't working, swallowing pride and trying a different approach. Having said that, usually the best managers have a single mindedness and 100% belief in their approach so that they won't change no matter what. In summary, haven't a clue. (penis size?)
  10. Why does he want to go to French school? Surely he already knows French?? There's plenty of good English schools up here, that's what he needs.
  11. What £100M? http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=48562.0 The 100m would be for the new manger clearly. It's clear they haven't thought this through....Just an idea it might be better to do it properly like a proper club in the summer. I'm asking for water to be turned to wine. Just a thought. So is that some sort of cryptic Parky speak to indicate that you're expecting the Second Coming? Return of the Messiah - Keegan? Shearer? Or perhaps the Big J C himself? About the only one big enough to lead us to victory... I don't really rate John Collins tbh.
  12. the best in my opinion agreed To me, Hiddink is hands down the best manager in the world. My nationality biases me a bit, but still, I would trust him unconditionally any day. If at all possible should snap him up right now when he's not in club management, although the Russians probably wouldn't take kindly to anyone poaching him before Euros. The man likes to things over all else: money and a challenge. We can give him both. Mort would be crazy to not have at leats pitched the job to him. EDIT: only on 2.4 USD a year apparently! We can double that. Hell, we can quad that. Nine dollars and sixty cents? Bit steep like.
  13. Except for a 4 week period every two years.
  14. Indeed. The bird with the golf club bending over needs something handing to her too.
  15. its not a love in... the fact is nobody knows what would happen. would you not rather take the chance than wait for another distinctly average manager to take over so that we can have this same conversation in a years time I have a problem with giving the job to a man with no managerial experience. He has absolutely nothing on his managerial CV...yet he wants us to take this leap of faith and appoint him as manager. If he was so interested in managing ,why did'nt he take up a job at a smaller club in the lower divisions.. that is what most ex players do. Keegan. Keegan. No doubt the most inspired and successful manager in mine and most of our supporters lifetime - your issues with Shearer's potential appointment would have prevented his appointment. What say you?
  16. By the same token, 5 footballing reasons why Keegan should have been appointed? Anyone know if Shearer is on MOTD tonight?
  17. Indeed. You raise another valid concern which springs directly from the apparently amateur way this whole episode is being executed - but by associating with Redknapp, I do feel, like you appear to Parky, that we have massively undersold ourselves and our ambitions. I think the honeymoon period could be coming to an end for Mort and Ashley now... Jesus. If that was the honeymoon, I'm not looking forward to the rest...
  18. What's the problem? Did you really think it would be José?? Good manager, plays good football, big chance at a big club. Fucking pessimistic bastards!!
  19. danswan

    Mark Hughes

    Plays better football than Sam.. I would love to see a 'Big Name' come in, but the question has to be, how and when did they become 'Big Names'? They weren't born that way. If the new appointment comes from a 'smaller' club or even from the lower leagues, there's nothing to say he won't be a success. Conversley it's not beyond the realms of possibility that someone like José or Lippi would come here and die on their arse. Right man, right job, right time. That is what we need, there are no guarantees. The new man, whoever he is, must come into the club with everyone pulling in the same direction, if half of us are whining on that he hasn't won the Champions League and the World Cup then we will have failed before he even starts.
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