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Everything posted by danswan

  1. Looks canny like. 20m bid.
  2. Do the Portuguese not have siestas like the Spanish? If so I'd say about 3-4am and then a long snooze after training.
  3. The arguments going on here are a bit like me complaining about my christmas presents before I have opened them. The transfer window hasn't opened yet. We might have a good one, we might not. Who knows?
  4. fux sake, i refer youback to "(when i refer to wise i refer to all of the scouting staff by the way)" what i'm saying is ostensibly it seems to me they've done sweet fuck all since being employed on very generous wages...go back to the post that wasn't out of context - it was about them being on holiday, fuck them being on any type of holiday til they've done some type of job for the club NOW is the time fo these people to be earning their wages, not being on holiday - it's not that hard a concept to grasp is it? but then i suppose since employing so-called experts in their field we can make the same mistake of sitting back doing nothing til the window opens by which time EVERYONE is looking at the same players...far be it from me to think these people might actually think making early moves might have some benefit to their employers [i always get tripped up by this on here, you have to spoonfeed people every facet of your opinion otherwise they can't understand it, no-one seems able to make a leap] p.s. that's an excellent point about the CL final, i agree, who knows who wise met and spoke to? so lets see that as a positive then, i agree Maybe they have 10 superstars just waiting to sign and they will do so when the transfer window opens?
  5. danswan

    Arda Turan?

    So there goes our 3rd record bid for a one-season only promising star? Why would he be one season only? Besides, I didn't see people having any qualms about shelling out more money on Modric who wouldn't have been hanging around for long. Be cool my friend, we will get in quality players I am very confident of this. It is doing my head in as well, especially with all the news of potential signings for other clubs. It is good we are taking a stand on the fees as we don't apear to be being reasonable. We are offering good money for these players it appears so we just need to be calm. They are clearly trying to rip us off but it is early enough in the summer where we can afford to be a bit patient. Unless said players have storming Euro 2008 tournaments.
  6. Should be torn up; He can't get paid when he's in jail if Monopoly has taught us anything; Dabo probably tried to bum him once and look what happened to him If Monopoly has taught me anything it is that gigantic hats and irons dominate the London financial scene.
  7. Well, the Iron Curtain doesn't really exist anymore but I take your point That's what they want you to think.
  8. danswan

    Women's Football.

    Yes... but they're not going to get any better unless we show them how to do it properly. If the FA and the BBC are going to force women's football on us we might as well make the best of it. Besides, it would be funny seeing Bramble getting skinned by a lass. He would get his own back by 'roasting' her in the showers after.
  9. Well this is bizarre. I was just coming on here to praise Taylor's performance today, and here is everybody putting the boot into him - even Toon's Taylor, who I would regard as his staunchest ally.
  10. Never heard of them.
  11. I'm with centrepaddock82 tbh. Yes, the current top 4 have all the money, but of the next lot, we are pretty much the richest, and it hasn't got us success in the last 10 years. As someone else said, elsewhere, it's not that hard to imagine Benitez and Ferguson fucking off, leaving their next seasons an unknown quantity. Grant is unproven, Arsenal inconsistent (by their own high standards obviously) and a few are jumping ship there. Any one of those top 4's bubbles can and will burst, nothing is permanent. All it takes is a few bad decisions by the manager/board and the mighty will fall. And Keegan will exceed expectations, as he has always done here.
  12. Plus he is nailed on to score against us next year if they do go up. Probably his only goal of the campaign.
  13. ManU Pat Butcher Living in Sunderland tbh
  14. This thread is more racist than Jamie's one tbh. Welsh cunts.
  15. Depends how you look at it. Chelsea have lost less games than them. I look at it in the sense that by and large manure attempt to attack teams and score goals.
  16. Thanks for the heads up, will do just that now. Good luck. You could have told me before I posted it on there! Just read the thread - I thought it went quite well, all things considered
  17. thanks, i wasnt around then,, looks like the debate is still alive tho,, if you read the start of the thread, it was just a bit of dreaming about having a complete stadium Just pointing out the results of the poll - it surprised me how many people were against demolishing those houses.
  18. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=46530.0
  19. Got to love that optimism... Disappointed, but plenty more fish in the sea..
  20. It's excellent for the environment too. Now there will be much less acid rain or whatever, and it's all thanks to ASH.
  21. danswan

    Aiden McGeady

    Scottish Player of the Year & Young Player of the Year http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/scot_prem/7357815.stm
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