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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Some finish by Dzeko in the Roma game mind. Wow.
  2. This is great to watch, man. Wait for Brighton v Man Utd later to sleep Aesthetically it's brilliant but I can't bring myself to like the 'City Football Group'. Football is heading towards just being another Saudi/Abu Dhabi Vs Qatar proxy war.
  3. Facundo Ferreya scores on his Benfica debut
  4. Worst debut of the season goes to Eleven Sports stream of the Juve game
  5. Tbf that is Talksport's raison d'être. I'd be more shocked if they didn't post shit like that.
  6. The 'lets post something clearly incendiary then reel in horror when people give you abuse' crowd never fails to amuse me.
  7. Excellent if upsetting read about the people behind Man City and Arab states in general using football as a proxy battle ground. This is the second part; http://www.josimar.no/artikler/the-men-behind-manchester-city-the-dark-side/5040/ This is the first article, they had the journo on Second Captains not so long ago. https://medium.com/@NcGeehan/the-men-behind-man-city-a-documentary-not-coming-soon-to-a-cinema-near-you-14bc8e393e06
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/markets/article-6050983/Its-fix-Mike-Ashley-accused-House-Fraser-deal.html
  9. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/32599066 Straight from the playbook
  10. Can we not get lots of tshirts with 'Where's the money gone Mike?' on. Esp for a televised away game or similar.
  11. Leicester have done some ace business. Didn't realise that Southampton sold Tadic to Ajax
  12. Nope, got some lad on loan from West Ham for 1m They've not done much business, only player they've spent significant money on is Deloufu.
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