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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Wow, good signing that if it comes off.
  2. He's come from Swansea so is probably used to it
  3. Swansea fans are foaming but it seems more to do with the club trying to sell all thier CB's on the last day of the window
  4. I know they've got a decent squad but Spurs signing absolutely no one is a bit risky.
  5. Not just us bringing the 90s feels back. Wowza.
  6. If we print thousands of flyers could we stick them over the shop fronts of SD and Flannels etc? You wouldn't be damaging the property. Could make it like a mock winding up order or eviction notice.
  7. I thought William Carvalho was pretty decent in the WC
  8. Maggie Thatcher's death will seem like a warm up act compared to the celebrations up here when Fat Ash kicks the bucket.
  9. Not listening but he sounds exactly like some one they had on earlier in the year. Kept on saying Ashley had saved us.
  10. Lascelles linked to Leicester in the Sun. £35m.
  11. The quote is that we haven't met their price/buy out clause. Who'd of thunk it?
  12. I know fuck all about him but I'm all for signing Uruguayans
  13. A quick Google tells me that Ausburg currently have two Koreans and one Japanese player
  14. Nope they just missed each other Park left the summer Kagawa arrived. I suspect there is a few times in Germany this has happened though.
  15. All the tops I've got from Ali Express and DH Gate have been shop replica quality. Everything perfect. These are not your Marmaris printed on crap fakes. Im fairly convinced that they are made in the same Chinese factories as the real ones.
  16. What's the delay for the presentation? Fifa lost the trophy?
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