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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/18/sports/world-cup/rafa-marquez-treasury-sanctions.html
  2. Can't wait see that Mexico again with the Spanish commentary
  3. On that Frankie Boyle in Russia thing they tried to interview some hools but they'd all been warned off from the FSB.
  4. Hope Stamp breaks Owens leg. Don't car if it's a charity match.
  5. We'll see if this pokerface lasts until deadline day. He's their most saleable asset and they've just run out of parachute payments.
  6. Yeah think if he goes anywhere club wise it will turn out like Rijkaard after Barca. France job is the only one that makes sense.
  7. Who typically does the best fantasy football for the international tournaments?
  8. Why? He's a really good manager Yeah but think West Ham toxicity will do for him. The place is the graveyard of reputations that we used to be.
  9. Think Pelligrini would be awful at West Ham. Im all for it.
  10. https://twitter.com/CaulkinTheTimes/status/997156740998287360
  11. If he maintains his current form he will definitely go as England will crash out after failing to break down teams that just sit in front of them and everyone will say we could have done with Shelvey
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