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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. He's always in bars in Bensham during the day with his mate Edgar. He needs to be hoyed out of the club asap. He was. He got chucked out of Sea two weeks ago for being too drunk. blueyes.gif
  2. Pattersons always out on the drink, supposed to be a professional athlete ffs.
  3. 8) Tiger Tiger is an awful bar tho.
  4. GeordieDazzler

    Man City

    thank fuck for that.
  5. Stevie Taylor on Northumberland Street bout an hour ago.
  6. how big is it? Will Imageshack not work?
  7. He'd hit him with Fat Sams Grand Slam.
  8. This is the season Keane proves himself, his real test will be when they hit a bad run of form.
  9. Viduka Anelka Bridge Campbell Distin Ben Haim SWP Tuncay Young Papa Bouba Diop Barton Ashton Barnes Gudjohnsen Jagielka
  10. Patterson's attitude is shite too mind, gan out on the town anyday of the week and you'll see him getting shitfaced, hardly what you'd expect from a top level athlete.
  11. That was fucking class
  12. Im sure Shearers been pissed a few times during his punditry, I can remeber one this season think it was the FA cup where he seemed very jolly
  13. http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2240/hahakm5.png YYYYYYYYYeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
  14. No, I wasnt. I fucked off as soon as the whistle went.
  15. Nope, its Fred - probably the coolest player on the planet
  16. Neri Cardozo was fucking Immense on Pro Evo 4
  17. http://oglobo.globo.com/fotos/2006/09/13/13_MHG_fred1309.jpg
  18. Was going to get Taylor, but I think they might change the number before next season.
  19. Does Zoggy only hand around with French speakers? I kna he's French, and obviously would prefer to speak his own lingo, but seriously, whats his English like? There was all the crack that he was gutted when Boum left... who does Zoggy generally knock about with - Bernard n Gooch? What other general crowds are formed within the squad? Dyer n Bramble's Pimpin team... No, I've seen him out with Taylor on numerous occassions - his english aint to bad either - he sounds like a more fluent Martins.
  20. Why include a youth team player who has never played for the first time in your list? .cock has them as squad players, so felt it right to include them
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