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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Thought that person was called Ricky Massacre at first read. Like a WWE wrestler
  2. Brighton actually scout and don’t just get their transfer cues of Jorge Mendes though.
  3. Without sounding arrogant, we must be one of the absolute first away fixtures fans look up when they are released. Can’t be many better away trips all in.
  4. Stoke and the Mackems is pretty much the only bother I’ve seen really. Sometimes a little aggro under the Leazes but that’s mainly kids on the wind up.
  5. Newcastle must be one of the few places where the home/away pub distinction doesn’t exist, although 200 pubs within half a mile it makes it possible suppose. Only time I’ve ever been asked who I support was when Stoke came up in the FA cup and caused all that bother. Had it quite a few times away, Everton being a notable pain in the arse. We eventually ask the police if we could just buy cans from the office and drink them outside as was impossible otherwise.
  6. fucking hell aye stick the CB from a 9-0 win in. Garth
  7. The price of football pod said they lost 14 players from last season with loans ending and players out of contract. Their spree looks less mental in that context.
  8. Transfermarkt says 25 arrivals this summer for them. That’s an entire new squad.
  9. Loan swap for Sancho, since they’ve just signed Antony
  10. let’s be honest, Holts career should have been over after that Ronaldo/Fatboy Slim tweet. Unforgivable.
  11. This windows Lingard moment then. At least they didn’t wait until deadline day.
  12. What you think of your CL draw VI?
  13. Villa Fans are passionate- Check His players have let him down - Check Gerrard Shouted a lot as a player and that is Motivation- Check If they can somehow stop playing shit it could kick start their season - Check Fantastic work Micah Sometimes I think the Athletic articles are too dense and ott but then you see this pass for analysis and it looks like rocket science in comparison. Meanwhile I’m quite warming to the Villa fans
  14. Just reading through their message board and they universally hate him with the intensity we disliked Bruce.
  15. I see that Willy Bolly was selected in the match day squad and just didn’t show up
  16. We had 64% possession away from home man Night and day to what we used to be.
  17. I think Howes manages squad politics well. Makes people wait for their chance and rewards them when they impress. He’ll start to get more game time now.
  18. Only lost to last season’s incarnation of City and Liverpool in our last 13 competitive games. Not bad at all.
  19. a tweet from nufcdave1897 is not a report. Howay people keep it together.
  20. Is this all based on a tweet that doesn’t exist?
  21. Oh and the fucking is it a rabbit or is it a hare picture. Fucking boomer Facebook meme from 2010 shit that man.
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