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Everything posted by Lenny

  1. It's a shame to see ASM go, but if it genuinely does mean in FFP simplistic terms as one or two on here have said, that we can buy another 3 or 4 quality players, then I feel it's a no brainer to sell him. One of few saleable assets we have that for a few reasons (not talent) is expendable. Pre takeover I'd have been gutted at him leaving, but we will absolutely be fine and continue to improve. Just a shame to see such an enjoyable player to watch move on.
  2. Gone with Miggy vs Fulham. My favourite was Wilson's against Brighton to make it 3-1. Had an Enrique against Forest feel to it where it finally felt like the job was done.
  3. Only just seen this, but aye he did it at least 3 times. Just a slight miscontrol, nothing major but looked less crisp than usual. Not that it matters
  4. He is typically fine but he has miscontrolled the ball when receiving a pass several times today (under no pressure thankfully).
  5. Well yes, consistency of officiating is a totally different subject
  6. The contact on Wilson was due to Wilson leaving his foot out to force it. Don't think it was a pen, sadly.
  7. You can't really have it all though unfortunately, at least not with the players we have at our disposal. We'd started to look predictable with our lopsided approach of having Burn stay back so that our right side could attack, so we had to adapt, hence Burn making more forward runs in the second half of the season. Naturally it's higher risk and we'll conceded more as a result, but hopefully, 1 win permitting, the reward has outweighed the risk.
  8. Lenny

    Fabian Schär

    Fair enough My perception was that whilst he tends to roam forward more, he's less aggressive at pressing when opposition players are actively in our third than Botman.
  9. Lenny

    Fabian Schär

    I think Botman is more aggressive in that he'll hunt out attacking players when they are approaching our defensive third, whereas Schar is more likely to mop up should they get past the Botman/defensive charge. Agreed on the pace of the backline, we could do with bringing in some faster players to offer more circumstantial depth. I do think Botman is a fair bit faster than Schar, mind, even if he isn't "fast". Schar is seriously slow
  10. Lenny

    Fabian Schär

    I also think that Botman is instructed to be the more aggressive of the two CB's as he has the recovery pace that Schar doesn't.
  11. Lenny


    Studied Mo Diame and said "hold my beer".
  12. Very impressive result, particularly given how poor we were first half. Responded very well.
  13. Really poor performance, that. Very, very passive.
  14. Lenny

    Anthony Gordon

    I'd imagine the players were instructed not to take any unnecessary risks at 3-1 when he came on and just manage the game out, hence the more passive approach going forward. He was still pretty sharp defensively but with games in quick succession we weren't going to going all out at the point he came on.
  15. Lenny

    Fabian Schär

    Yep, I read similar that both he and Botman are instructed to actively seek the switch as part of our game plan. If he's doing it less it'll likely be due to us trying to adapt our strategy.
  16. Ando has been better (naturally) since we've improved, but some of snipes really do grate. On the extended highlights, Raisbeck says "ASM producing a number of stepovers", to which Ando says "And going nowhere", despite him giving the ball to Willock to progress forward and us win a corner. Fuck off with that shite man
  17. Imagine telling Chris Wood 15 months ago that over the next 12 months he'd accumulate £44m in transfer fees - he's probably made himself a right fortune
  18. "One pass too many according to the commentator". They made one fucken pass
  19. Felix does look very good. Really enjoyable play-style to watch.
  20. I think it's worth noting that a lot of the actions you see taken by our players are their own specific instructions now, rather than them just doing what they think works as with under the likes of Bruce. For example, Schar being more inclined to carry the ball forward than Botman is because Botman has recovery pace that Schar doesn't, so it's less of a risk. Schar will often be more aggressive going in for the challenge, with Botman ready to sweep in behind, likely for the same reason. I also read somewhere that our defenders are explicitly told to use the keeper less (I think it might have been an article on Botman), but look for a line breaking pass as frequently as possible. Line breaking passes are high risk, high reward, so it stands to reason that some high risk passes are going to fail. The important thing is that the upside of the higher risk passes far outweighs the downside that the occasional failed pass brings.
  21. Lenny


    I thought Willock was very sloppy, but I didn't notice anything particularly sloppy with Longstaff today.
  22. I honestly can't see ASM working out. I think he's trying but the way we play is just not natural to him. I also think he looks utterly shot of confidence and the crowd getting on his back every time something doesn't come off for him can't be helping. He's reminds me of Miggy was before he came into form; he's playing like he doesn't believe what he's doing is going to work
  23. Given how frequently he's being subbed, I wouldn't be surprised if we're managing his fitness for fear of burnout. He's crucial for us at the moment.
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